Jaasiel Made by God, one of David's body-guard, the son of Abner (Ch1 27:21), called Jasiel in Ch1 11:47.

Jaaz-aniah Heard by Jehovah. (1.) The son of Jeremiah, and one of the chief Rechabites (Jer 35:3). (2.) The son of Shaphan (Eze 8:11). (3.) The son of Azur, one of the twenty-five men seen by Ezekiel (Eze 11:1) at the east gate of the temple. (4.) A Maachathite (Kg2 25:23; Jer 40:8; Jer 42:1). He is also called Azariah (Jer 43:2).

Jaazer He (God) helps, a city of the Amorites on the east of Jordan, and assigned, with neighbouring places in Gilead, to Gad (Num 32:1, Num 32:35; Jos 13:25). It was allotted to the Merarite Levites (Jos 21:39). In David's time it was occupied by the Hebronites, i.e., the descendants of Kohath (Ch1 26:31). It is mentioned in the "burdens" proclaimed over Moab (Isa 16:8, Isa 16:9; Jer 48:32). Its site is marked by the modern ruin called Sar or Seir, about 10 miles west of Amman, and 12 from Heshbon. "The vineyards that once covered the hill-sides are gone; and the wild Bedawin from the eastern desert make cultivation of any kind impossible."

Jaaziah Comforted by Jehovah, a descendant of Merari the Levite (Ch1 24:26, Ch1 24:27).

Jaaziel Comforted by God, a Levitical musician (Ch1 15:18).

Jabal A stream, a descendant of Cain, and brother of Jubal; "the father of such as dwell in tents and have cattle" (Gen 4:20). This description indicates that he led a wandering life.

Jabbok A pouring out, or a wrestling, one of the streams on the east of Jordan, into which it falls about midway between the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea, or about 45 miles below the Sea of Galilee. It rises on the eastern side of the mountains of Gilead, and runs a course of about 65 miles in a wild and deep ravine. It was the boundary between the territory of the Ammonites and that of Og, king of Bashan (Jos 12:1; Num 21:24); also between the tribe of Reuben and the half tribe of Manasseh (Num 21:24; Deu 3:16). In its course westward across the plains it passes more than once underground. "The scenery along its banks is probably the most picturesque in Palestine; and the ruins of town and village and fortress which stud the surrounding mountain-side render the country as interesting as it is beautiful." This river is now called the Zerka, or blue river.

Jabesh Dry. (1.) For Jabesh-Gilead (Sa1 11:3, Sa1 11:9, Sa1 11:10). (2.) The father of Shallum (Kg2 15:10, Kg2 15:13, Kg2 15:14), who usurped the throne of Israel on the death of Zachariah.

Jabesh-Gilead A town on the east of Jordan, on the top of one of the green hills of Gilead, within the limits of the half tribe of Manasseh, and in full view of Beth-shan. It is first mentioned in connection with the vengeance taken on its inhabitants because they had refused to come up to Mizpeh to take part with Israel against the tribe of Benjamin (Jdg 21:8). After the battles at Gibeah, that tribe was almost extinguished, only six hundred men remaining. An expedition went against Jabesh-Gilead, the whole of whose inhabitants were put to the sword, except four hundred maidens, whom they brought as prisoners and sent to "proclaim peace" to the Benjamites who had fled to the crag Rimmon. These captives were given to them as wives, that the tribe might be saved from extinction (Judg. 21). This city was afterwards taken by Nahash, king of the Ammonites, but was delivered by Saul, the newly-elected king of Israel. In gratitude for this deliverance, forty years after this, the men of Jabesh-Gilead took down the bodies of Saul and of his three sons from the walls of Beth-shan, and after burning them, buried the bones under a tree near the city (Sa1 31:11). David thanked them for this act of piety (Sa2 2:4), and afterwards transferred the remains to the royal sepulchre (Sa2 21:14). It is identified with the ruins of ed-Deir, about 6 miles south of Pella, on the north of the Wady Yabis.

Jabez Affiction. (1.) A descendant of Judah, of whom it is recorded that "God granted him that which he requested" (Ch1 4:9, Ch1 4:10). (2.) A place inhabited by several families of the scribes (Ch1 2:55).