Ivory (Heb. pl. shenhabbim , the "tusks of elephants") was early used in decorations by the Egyptians, and a great trade in it was carried on by the Assyrians (Eze 27:6; Rev 18:12). It was used by the Phoenicians to ornament the box-wood rowing-benches of their galleys, and Hiram's skilled workmen made Solomon's throne of ivory (Kg1 10:18). It was brought by the caravans of Dedan (Isa 21:13), and from the East Indies by the navy of Tarshish (Kg1 10:22). Many specimens of ancient Egyptian and Assyrian ivory-work have been preserved. The word habbim is derived from the Sanscrit ibhas, meaning "elephant," preceded by the Hebrew article (ha); and hence it is argued that Ophir, from which it and the other articles mentioned in Kg1 10:22 were brought, was in India.

Izhar Oil one of the sons of Kohath, and grandson of Levi (Exo 6:18, Exo 6:21; Num 16:1).

Izrahite The designation of one of David's officers (Ch1 27:8).

Jaakan He twists, one of the sons of Ezer, the son of Seir the Horite (Ch1 1:42).

Jaakobah Heel-catcher, a form of the name Jacob, one of the descendants of Simeon (Ch1 4:36).

Jaala A wild she-goat, one of the Nethinim, whose descendants returned from the Captivity (Neh 7:58).

Jaalam Concealer, the second of Esau's three sons by Aholibamah (Gen 36:5, Gen 36:14).

Jaanai Mourner, one of the chief Gadites (Ch1 5:12).

Jaare-oregim Forests of the weavers, a Bethlehemite (Sa2 21:19), and the father of Elhanan, who slew Goliath. In Ch1 20:5 called JAIR.

Jaasau Fabricator, an Israelite who renounced his Gentile wife after the Return (Ezr 10:37).