Iim Ruins. (1.) A city in the south of Judah (Jos 15:29). (2.) One of the stations of the Israelites in the wilderness (Num 33:45).

Ije-abarim Ruins of Abarim, the forty-seventh station of the Israelites in the wilderness, "in the border of Moab" (Num 33:44).

Ijon A ruin, a city of Naphtali, captured by Ben-hadad of Syria at the instance of Asa (Kg1 15:20), and afterwards by Tiglath-pileser of Assyria (Kg2 15:29) in the reign of Pekah; now el-Khiam.

Ilai An Ahohite, one of David's chief warriors (Ch1 11:29); called also Zalmon (Sa2 23:28).

Illyricum A country to the north-west of Macedonia, on the eastern shores of the Adriatic, now almost wholly comprehended in Dalmatia, a name formerly given to the southern part of Illyricum (Ti2 4:10). It was traversed by Paul in his third missionary journey (Rom 15:19). It was the farthest district he had reached in preaching the gospel of Christ. This reference to Illyricum is in harmony with Act 20:2, inasmuch as the apostle's journey over the parts of Macedonia would bring him to the borders of Illyricum.

Imagery Only in the phrase "chambers of his imagery" (Eze 8:12). (See CHAMBER.)

Imla Replenisher, the father of Micaiah the prophet (Ch2 18:7, Ch2 18:8).

Immanuel God with us. In the Old Testament it occurs only in Isa 7:14 and Isa 8:8. Most Christian interpreters have regarded these words as directly and exclusively a prophecy of our Saviour, an interpretation borne out by the words of the evangelist Matthew (Mat 1:23).

Immer Talkative. (1.) The head of the sixteenth priestly order (Ch1 24:14). (2.) Jer 20:1. (3.) Ezr 2:37; Neh 7:40. (4.) Ezr 2:59; Neh 7:61. (5.) The father of Zadok (Neh 3:29).

Immortality Perpetuity of existence. The doctrine of immortality is taught in the Old Testament. It is plainly implied in the writings of Moses (Gen 5:22, Gen 5:24; Gen 25:8; Gen 37:35; Gen 47:9; Gen 49:29, compare Heb 11:13; Exo 3:6, compare Mat 22:23). It is more clearly and fully taught in the later books (Isa 14:9; Psa 17:15; Psa 49:15; Psa 73:24). It was thus a doctrine obviously well known to the Jews. With the full revelation of the gospel this doctrine was "brought to light" (Ti2 1:10; 1 Cor. 15; Co2 5:1; Th1 4:13).