Hemath A Kenite (Ch1 2:55), the father of the house of Rechab.

Hemlock (1.) Heb. rosh (Hos 10:4; rendered "gall" in Deu 29:18; Deu 32:32; Psa 69:21; Jer 9:15; Jer 23:15; "poison," Job 20:16; "venom," Deu 32:33). "Rosh is the name of some poisonous plant which grows quickly and luxuriantly; of a bitter taste, and therefore coupled with wormwood (Deu 29:18; Lam 3:19). Hence it would seem to be not the hemlock cicuta, nor the colocynth or wild gourd, nor lolium darnel, but the poppy so called from its heads" (Gesenius, Lex.). (2.) Heb. la'anah , generally rendered "wormwood" (q.v.), Deu 29:18, Text 17; Pro 5:4; Jer 9:15; Jer 23:15. Once it is rendered "hemlock" (Amo 6:12; R.V., "wormwood"). This Hebrew word is from a root meaning "to curse," hence the accursed.

Hen Common in later times among the Jews in Palestine (Mat 23:37; Luk 13:34). It is noticeable that this familiar bird is only mentioned in these passages in connection with our Lord's lamentation over the impenitence of Jerusalem.

Hena One of the cities of Mesopotamia destroyed by sennacherib (Kg2 18:34; Kg2 19:13). It is identified with the modern Anah, lying on the right bank of the Euphrates, not far from Sepharvaim.

Henadad Favour of Hadad, the name of a Levite after the Captivity (Ezr 3:9).

Henoch See ENOCH.

Hepher A well or stream. (1.) A royal city of the Canaanites taken by Joshua (Jos 12:17). (2.) The youngest son of Gilead (Num 26:32; Num 27:1). (3.) The second son of Asher (Ch1 4:6). (4.) One of David's heroes (Ch1 11:36).

Hephzibah My delight is in her. (1.) The wife of Hezekiah and mother of king Manasseh (Kg2 21:1). (2.) A symbolical name of Zion, as representing the Lord's favour toward her (Isa 62:4).

Herb (1.) Heb. 'eseb , any green plant; herbage (Gen 1:11, Gen 1:12, Gen 1:29, Gen 1:30; Gen 2:5; Gen 3:18, etc.); comprehending vegetables and all green herbage (Amo 7:1, Amo 7:2). (2.) Yarak , green; any green thing; foliage of trees (Kg2 19:26; Psa 37:2); a plant; herb (Deu 11:10). (3.) Or, meaning "light" In Isa 26:19 it means "green herbs;" in Kg2 4:39 probably the fruit of some plant. (4.) Merorim , plural, "bitter herbs," eaten by the Israelites at the Passover (Exo 12:8; Num 9:11). They were bitter plants of various sorts, and referred symbolically to the oppression in Egypt.

Herd Gen 13:5; Deu 7:14. (See CATTLE.)