Helkai Smooth-tongued, one of the chief priests in the time of Joiakim (Neh 12:15).

Helkath Smoothness, a town of Asher, on the east border (Jos 19:25; Jos 21:31); called also Hukkok (Ch1 6:75).

Helkath-hazzurim Plot of the sharp blades, or the field of heroes, (Sa2 2:16). After the battle of Gilboa, so fatal to Saul and his house, David, as divinely directed, took up his residence in Hebron, and was there anointed king over Judah. Among the fugitives from Gilboa was Ish-bosheth, the only surviving son of Saul, whom Abner, Saul's uncle, took across the Jordan to Mahanaim, and there had him proclaimed king. Abner gathered all the forces at his command and marched to Gibeon, with the object of wresting Judah from David. Joab had the command of David's army of trained men, who encamped on the south of the pool, which was on the east of the hill on which the town of Gibeon was built, while Abner's army lay on the north of the pool. Abner proposed that the conflict should be decided by twelve young men engaging in personal combat on either side. So fiercely did they encounter each other that "they caught every man his fellow by the head, and thrust his sword in his fellow's side; so they fell down together: wherefore that place was called Helkath-hazzurim." The combat of the champions was thus indecisive, and there followed a severe general engagement between the two armies, ending in the total rout of the Israelites under Abner. The general result of this battle was that "David waxed stronger and stronger, and the house of Saul waxed weaker and weaker" (Sa2 3:1). (See GIBEON.)

Hell Derived from the Saxon helan, to cover; hence the covered or the invisible place. In Scripture there are three words so rendered:- (1.) Sheol, occurring in the Old Testament sixty-five times. This word sheol is derived from a root-word meaning "to ask," "demand;" hence insatiableness (Pro 30:15, Pro 30:16). It is rendered "grave" thirty-one times (Gen 37:35; Gen 42:38; Gen 44:29, Gen 44:31; Sa1 2:6, etc.). The Revisers have retained this rendering in the historical books with the original word in the margin, while in the poetical books they have reversed this rule. In thirty-one cases in the Authorized Version this word is rendered "hell," the place of disembodied spirits. The inhabitants of sheol are "the congregation of the dead" (Pro 21:16). It is (a) the abode of the wicked (Num 16:33; Job 24:19; Psa 9:17; Psa 31:17, etc.); (b) of the good (Psa 16:10; Psa 30:3; Psa 49:15; Psa 86:13, etc.). Sheol is described as deep (Job 11:8), dark (Job 10:21, Job 10:22), with bars (Job 17:16). The dead "go down" to it (Num 16:30, Num 16:33; Eze 31:15, Eze 31:16, Eze 31:17). (2.) The Greek word Hades of the New Testament has the same scope of signification as sheol of the Old Testament. It is a prison (Pe1 3:19), with gates and bars and locks (Mat 16:18; Rev 1:18), and it is downward (Mat 11:23; Luk 10:15). The righteous and the wicked are separated. The blessed dead are in that part of Hades called paradise (Luk 23:43). They are also said to be in Abraham's bosom (Luk 16:22). (3.) Gehenna, in most of its occurrences in the Greek New Testament, designates the place of the lost (Mat 23:33). The fearful nature of their condition there is described in various figurative expressions (Mat 8:12; Mat 13:42; Mat 22:13; Mat 25:30; Luk 16:24, etc.). (See HINNOM.)

Helmet (Heb. kob'a ), a cap for the defense of the head (Sa1 17:5, Sa1 17:38). In the New Testament the Greek equivalent is used (Eph 6:17; Th1 5:8). (See ARMS.)

Helon Strong, father of Eliab, who was "captain of the children of Zebulun" (Num 1:9; Num 2:7).

Help-meet (Heb. 'ezer ke-negdo ; i.e., "a help as his counterpart" = a help suitable to him), a wife (Gen 2:18).

Helps (Co1 12:28) may refer to help (i.e., by interpretation) given to him who speaks with tongues, or more probably simply help which Christians can render to one another, such as caring for the poor and needy, etc.

Hem Of a garment, the fringe of a garment. The Jews attached much importance to these, because of the regulations in Num 15:38, Num 15:39. These borders or fringes were in process of time enlarged so as to attract special notice (Mat 23:5). The hem of Christ's garment touched (Mat 9:20; Mat 14:36; Luk 8:44).

Heman Faithful. (1.) Kg1 4:31; Ch1 2:6, a son of Zerah, noted for his wisdom. (2.) Grandson of Samuel (Ch1 6:33; Ch1 15:17), to whom the 88th Psalm probably was inscribed. He was one of the "seers" named in Ch2 29:14, Ch2 29:30, and took a leading part in the administration of the sacred services.