Hazar-susah Village of the horse, the same as Sansannah, one of Solomon's "chariot cities" (Jos 15:31; Ch2 1:14), a depot in the south border of Judah.

Hazel Heb. luz , (Gen 30:37), a nut-bearing tree. The Hebrew word is rendered in the Vulgate by amygdalinus, "the almond-tree," which is probably correct. That tree flourishes in Syria.

Hazerim Villages, probably the name of the temporary villages in which the nomad Avites resided (Deu 2:23).

Hazeroth Fenced enclosures consisting of "a low wall of stones in which thick bundles of thorny acacia are inserted, the tangled branches and long needle-like spikes forming a perfectly impenetrable hedge around the encampment" of tents and cattle which they sheltered. Such like enclosures abound in the wilderness of Paran, which the Israelites entered after leaving Sinai (Num 11:35; Num 12:16; Num 33:17, Num 33:18). This third encampment of the Israelites has been identified with the modern 'Ain el-Hudhera , some 40 miles north-east of Sinai. Here Miriam (q.v.), being displeased that Moses had married a Cushite wife (Num 12:1), induced Aaron to join with her in rebelling against Moses. God vindicated the authority of his "servant Moses," and Miriam was smitten with leprosy. Moses interceded for her, and she was healed (Num 12:4). From this encampment the Israelites marched northward across the plateau of et-Tih, and at length reached KADESH.

Hazezon-tamar Pruning of the palm, the original name of the place afterwards called ENGEDI (q.v.), Gen 14:7; called also HAZAZON-TAMAR (Ch2 20:2).

Hazo Vision, one of the sons of Nahor (Gen 22:22).

Hazor Enclosed; fortified. (1.) A stronghold of the Canaanites in the mountains north of Lake Merom (Jos 11:1). Jabin the king with his allied tribes here encountered Joshua in a great battle. Joshua gained a signal victory, which virtually completed his conquest of Canaan (Jos 11:10). This city was, however, afterwards rebuilt by the Canaanites, and was ruled by a king with the same hereditary name of Jabin. His army, under a noted leader of the name of Sisera, swept down upon the south, aiming at the complete subjugation of the country. This powerful army was met by the Israelites under Barak, who went forth by the advice of the prophetess Deborah. The result was one of the most remarkable victories for Israel recorded in the Old Testament (Jos 19:36; Jdg 4:2; Sa1 12:9). The city of Hazor was taken and occupied by the Israelites. It was fortified by Solomon to defend the entrance into the kingdom from Syria and Assyria. When Tiglath-pileser, the Assyrian king, invaded the land, this was one of the first cities he captured, carrying its inhabitants captive into Assyria (Kg2 15:29). It has been identified with Khurbet Harrah, 2 1/2 miles south-east of Kedesh. (2.) A city in the south of Judah (Jos 15:23). The name here should probably be connected with the word following, Ithnan, HAZOR-ITHNAN instead of "Hazor and Ithnan." (3.) A district in Arabia (Jer 49:28), supposed by some to be Jetor, i.e., Ituraea. (4.) "Kerioth and Hezron" (Jos 15:25) should be "Kerioth-hezron" (as in the R.V.), the two names being joined together as the name of one place (e.g., like Kirjath-jearim), "the same is Hazor" (R.V.). This place has been identified with el-Kuryetein, and has been supposed to be the home of Judas Iscariot. (See KERIOTH.)

Hazor-hadattah New Hazor, a city in the south of Judah (Jos 15:25). It is probably identified with the ruins of el-Hazzarah, near Beit Jebrin.

Head-bands (Heb. kishshurim ), properly girdles or belts for the waist (Isa 3:20, R.V., "sashes;" Jer 2:32, rendered "attire", i.e., a girdle round the waist).

Head-dress Not in common use among the Hebrews. It is first mentioned in Exo 28:40 (A.V., "bonnets;" R.V., "head-tires"). It was used especially for purposes of ornament (Job 29:14; Isa 3:23; Isa 62:3). The Hebrew word here used, tsaniph, properly means a turban, folds of linen wound round the head. The Hebrew word peer, used in Isa 61:3, there rendered "beauty" (A.V.) and "garland" (R.V.), is a head-dress or turban worn by females (Isa 3:20, "bonnets"), priests (Exo 39:28), a bridegroom (Isa 61:10, "ornament;" R.V., "garland"). Eze 16:10 and Jon 2:5 are to be understood of the turban wrapped round the head. The Hebrew shebisim (Isa 3:18), in the Authorized Version rendered "cauls," and marg. "networks," denotes probably a kind of netted head-dress. The "horn" (Heb. keren ) mentioned in Sa1 2:1 is the head-dress called by the Druses of Mount Lebanon the tantura.