Hasenuah Bristling or hated, a Benjamite (Ch1 9:7).

Hashabiah Regarded by Jehovah. (1.) Merarite Levite (Ch1 6:45; Ch1 9:14). (2.) A son of Jeduthun (Ch1 25:3, Ch1 25:19). (3.) Son of Kemuel (Ch1 26:30). (4.) One of the chief Levites (Ch2 35:9). (5.) A Levite (Neh 11:22). (6.) One of the chief priests in the time of Ezra (Ezr 8:24). (7.) A chief of the Levites (Neh 12:24). (8.) Ezr 8:19. (9.) Neh 3:17.

Hashabniah (1.) Neh 3:10. (2.) One of the Levites whom Ezra appointed to interpret the law to the people (Neh 9:5).

Hashbadana Consideration in judging stood at Ezra's left hand when he read the law (Neh 8:4).

Hashmonah Fatness, the thirtieth halting-place of the Israelites during their wanderings in the wilderness, not far from Mount Hor (Num 33:29, Num 33:30).

Hashub Intelligent. (1.) A Levite of the family of Merari (Neh 11:15; Ch1 9:14). (2.) Neh 3:23, Neh 3:11.

Hashubah Ibid., a descendant of David (Ch1 3:20).

Hashum Opulent. (1.) Ezr 2:19; Neh 7:22. (2.) Stood on Ezra's left hand while he read the law (Neh 8:4).

Hasrah Poverty, "keeper of the wardrobe," i.e., of the sacerdotal vestments (Ch2 34:22); called Har'has Kg2 22:14. He was husband of the prophetess Huldah.

Hasupha Uncovered, one of the Nethinim (Ezr 2:43; Neh 7:46).