Harosheth of the Gentiles (Jdg 4:2) or nations, a city near Hazor in Galilee of the Gentiles, or Upper Galilee, in the north of Palestine. It was here that Jabin's great army was marshaled before it went forth into the great battlefield of Esdraelon to encounter the army of Israel, by which it was routed and put to flight (Judg. 4). It was situated "at the entrance of the pass to Esdraelon from the plain of Acre" at the base of Carmel. The name in the Hebrew is Harosheth ha Gojim, i.e., " the smithy of the nations;" probably, as is supposed, so called because here Jabin's iron war-chariots, armed with scythes, were made. It is identified with el-Harithiyeh.

Harp (Heb. kinnor ), the national instrument of the Hebrews. It was invented by Jubal (Gen 4:21). Some think the word kinnor denotes the whole class of stringed instruments. It was used as an accompaniment to songs of cheerfulness as well as of praise to God (Gen 31:27; Sa1 16:23; Ch2 20:28; Psa 33:2; Psa 137:2). In Solomon's time harps were made of almug-trees (Kg1 10:11, Kg1 10:12). In Ch1 15:21 mention is made of "harps on the Sheminith;" Revised Version, "harps set to the Sheminith;" better perhaps "harps of eight strings." The soothing effect of the music of the harp is referred to Sa1 16:16, Sa1 16:23; Sa1 18:10; Sa1 19:9. The church in heaven is represented as celebrating the triumphs of the Redeemer "harping with their harps" (Rev 14:2).

Harrow (Heb. harits ), a tribulum or sharp threshing sledge; a frame armed on the under side with rollers or sharp spikes (Sa2 12:31; Ch1 20:3). Heb. verb sadad , to harrow a field, break its clods (Job 39:10; Isa 28:4; Hos 10:11). Its form is unknown. It may have resembled the instrument still in use in Egypt.

Harsha Worker or enchanter, one of the Nethinim (Ezr 2:52; Neh 7:54).

Hart (Heb. 'ayal ), a stag or male deer. It is ranked among the clean animals (Deu 12:15; Deu 14:5; Deu 15:22), and was commonly killed for food (Kg1 4:23). The hart is frequently alluded to in the poetical and prophetical books (Isa 35:6; Sol 2:8, Sol 2:9; Lam 1:6; Psa 42:1).

Harum Elevated, (Ch1 4:8), a descendant of Judah.

Haruphite A native of Hariph; an epithet given to Shephatiah, one of those who joined David at Ziklag (Ch1 12:5).

Haruz Eager, the father of Meshullemeth, the wife of king Manasseh (Kg2 21:19) and mother of king Amon.

Harvest The season for gathering grain or fruit. On the 16th day of Abib (or April) a handful of ripe ears of corn was offered as a first-fruit before the Lord, and immediately after this the harvest commenced (Lev 23:9; Sa2 21:9, Sa2 21:10; Rut 2:23). It began with the feast of Passover and ended with Pentecost, thus lasting for seven weeks (Exo 23:16). The harvest was a season of joy (Psa 126:1; Isa 9:3). This word is used figuratively Mat 9:37; Mat 13:30; Luk 10:2; Joh 4:35. (See AGRICULTURE.)

Hasadiah Favoured by Jehovah, one of the sons of Pedaiah (Ch1 3:20), of the royal line of David.