Hareth Thicket, a wood in the mountains of Judah where David hid when pursued by Saul (Sa1 22:5). It was possibly while he was here that the memorable incident narrated in Sa2 23:14, Ch1 11:16 occurred. This place has not been identified, but perhaps it may be the modern Kharas, on the borders of the chain of mountains some 3 miles east of Keilah.

Harhaiah Zeal of Jehovah, (Neh 3:8) "of the goldsmiths," one whose son helped to repair the wall of Jerusalem.

Harhur Fever, one of the Nethinim (Ezr 2:51).

Harim Flat-nosed. (1.) The head of the second course of priests (Ch1 24:8). (2.) Ezr 2:32, Ezr 2:39; Neh 7:35, Neh 7:42. (3.) Neh 3:11. (4.) Neh 12:3. (5.) Neh 10:5

Hariph Autumnal rain. (1.) Neh 7:24. (2.) Neh 10:19.

Harlot (1.) Heb. zonah (Gen 34:31; Gen 38:15). In Gen 38:21, Gen 38:22 the Hebrew word used in kedeshah, i.e., a woman consecrated or devoted to prostitution in connection with the abominable worship of Asherah or Astarte, the Syrian Venus. This word is also used in Deu 23:17; Hos 4:14. Thus Tamar sat by the wayside as a consecrated kedeshah. It has been attempted to show that Rahab, usually called a "harlot" (Jos 2:1; Jos 6:17; Heb 11:31; Jam 2:25), was only an innkeeper. This interpretation, however, cannot be maintained. Jephthah's mother is called a "strange woman" (Jdg 11:2). This, however, merely denotes that she was of foreign extraction. In the time of Solomon harlots appeared openly in the streets, and he solemnly warns against association with them (Pro 7:12; Pro 9:14. See also Jer 3:2; Eze 16:24, Eze 16:25, Eze 16:31). The Revised Version, following the LXX., has "and the harlots washed," etc., instead of the rendering of the Authorized Version, "now they washed," of Kg1 22:38. To commit fornication is metaphorically used for to practice idolatry (Jer 3:1; Eze 16:15; Hos. throughout); hence Jerusalem is spoken of as a harlot (Isa 1:21). (2.) Heb. nokriyah , the "strange woman" (Kg1 11:1; Pro 5:20; Pro 7:5; Pro 23:27). Those so designated were Canaanites and other Gentiles (Jos 23:13). To the same class belonged the "foolish", i.e., the sinful, "woman." In the New Testament the Greek pornai , plural, "harlots," occurs in Mat 21:31, Mat 21:32, where they are classed with publicans; Luk 15:30; Co1 6:15, Co1 6:16; Heb 11:31; Jam 2:25. It is used symbolically in Rev 17:1, Rev 17:5, Rev 17:15, Rev 17:16; Rev 19:2.

Harnepher A chief of the tribe of Asher (Ch1 7:36).

Harness (1.) Heb. 'asar , "to bind;" hence the act of fastening animals to a cart (Sa1 6:7, Sa1 6:10; Jer 46:4, etc.). (2.) An Old English word for "armour;" Heb. neshek (Ch2 9:24). (3.) Heb. shiryan , a coat of mail (Kg1 22:34; Ch2 18:33; rendered "breastplate" in Isa 59:17). (4.) The children of Israel passed out of Egypt "harnessed" (Exo 13:18), i.e., in an orderly manner, and as if to meet a foe. The word so rendered is probably a derivative from Hebrew hamesh (i.e., "five"), and may denote that they went up in five divisions, viz., the van, centre, two wings, and rear-guard.

Harod Palpitation, a fountain near which Gideon and his army encamped on the morning of the day when they encountered and routed the Midianites (Judg. 7). It was south of the hill Moreh. The present 'Ain Jalud ("Goliath's Fountain"), south of Jezreel and nearly opposite Shunem, is probably the fountain here referred to (Jdg 7:4, Jdg 7:5).

Harodite An epithet applied to two of David's heroes (Sa2 23:25). (Compare Ch1 11:27.)