Hanameel Whom God has graciously given, the cousin of Jeremiah, to whom he sold the field he possessed in Anathoth, before the siege of Jerusalem (Jer 32:6).

Hanan Merciful. (1.) A Benjamite (Ch1 8:23). (2.) One of David's heroes (Ch1 11:43). (3.) Jer 35:4. (4.) A descendant of Saul (Ch1 8:38). (5.) One of the Nethinim (Ezr 2:46). (6.) One of the Levites who assisted Ezra (Neh 8:7). (7.) One of the chiefs who subscribed the covenant (Neh 10:22).

Hananeel God has graciously given, a tower in the wall of Jerusalem (Neh 3:1; Neh 12:39). It is mentioned also in Jer 31:38; Zac 14:10.

Hanani God has gratified me, or is gracious. (1.) One of the sons of Heman (Ch1 25:4, Ch1 25:25). (2.) A prophet who was sent to rebuke king Asa for entering into a league with Benhadad I., king of Syria, against Judah (Ch2 16:1). He was probably the father of the prophet Jehu (Kg1 16:7). (3.) Probably a brother of Nehemiah (Neh 1:2; Neh 7:2), who reported to him the melancholy condition of Jerusalem. Nehemiah afterwards appointed him to have charge of the city gates.

Hananiah Jehovah has given. (1.) A chief of the tribe of Benjamin (Ch1 8:24). (2.) One of the sons of Heman (Ch1 25:4, Ch1 25:23). (3.) One of Uzziah's military officers (Ch2 26:11). (4.) Grandfather of the captain who arrested Jeremiah (Jer 37:13). (5.) Jer 36:12. (6.) Neh 10:23. (7.) Shadrach, one of the "three Hebrew children" (Dan 1:6, Dan 1:7). (8.) Son of Zerubbabel (Ch1 3:19, Ch1 3:21). (9.) Ezr 10:28. (10.) The "ruler of the palace; he was a faithful man, and feared God above many" (Neh 7:2). (11.) Neh 3:8. (12.) Neh 3:30 (13.) A priest, son of Jeremiah (Neh 12:12). (14.) A false prophet contemporary with Jeremiah (Jer 28:1, Jer 28:17).

Hand Called by Galen "the instrument of instruments." It is the symbol of human action (Psa 9:16; Job 9:30; Isa 1:15; Ti1 2:8). Washing the hands was a symbol of innocence (Psa 26:6; Psa 73:13; Mat 27:24), also of sanctification (Co1 6:11; Isa 51:16; Psa 24:3, Psa 24:4). In Psa 77:2 the correct rendering is, as in the Revised Version, "My hand was stretched out," etc., instead of, as in the Authorized Version, "My sore ran in the night," etc. The right hand denoted the south, and the left the north (Job 23:9; Sa1 23:19). To give the right hand was a pledge of fidelity (Kg2 10:15; Ezr 10:19); also of submission to the victors (Eze 17:18; Jer 50:15). The right hand was lifted up in taking an oath (Gen 14:22, etc.). The hand is frequently mentioned, particularly the right hand, as a symbol of power and strength (Psa 60:5; Isa 28:2). To kiss the hand is an act of homage (Kg1 19:18; Job 31:27), and to pour water on one's hands is to serve him (Kg2 3:11). The hand of God is the symbol of his power: its being upon one denotes favour (Ezr 7:6, Ezr 7:28; Isa 1:25; Luk 1:66, etc.) or punishment (Exo 9:3; Jdg 2:15; Act 13:11, etc.). A position at the right hand was regarded as the chief place of honour and power (Psa 45:9; Psa 80:17; Psa 110:1; Mat 26:64).

Handbreadth A measure of four fingers, equal to about four inches (Exo 25:25; Exo 37:12; Psa 39:5, etc.).

Handkerchief Only once in Authorized Version (Act 19:12). The Greek word ( sudarion ) so rendered means properly "a sweat-cloth." It is rendered "napkin" in Joh 11:44; Joh 20:7; Luk 19:20.

Handmaid Servant (Gen 16:1; Rut 3:9; Luk 1:48). It is probable that Hagar was Sarah's personal attendant while she was in the house of Pharaoh, and was among those maid-servants whom Abram had brought from Egypt.

Handwriting (Col 2:14). The "blotting out the handwriting" is the removal by the grace of the gospel of the condemnation of the law which we had broken.