Hadad Adod , brave(?), the name of a Syrian god. (1.) An Edomite king who defeated the Midianites (Gen 36:35; Ch1 1:46). (2.) Another Edomite king (Ch1 1:50, Ch1 1:51), called also Hadar (Gen 36:39; Ch1 1:51). (3.) One of "the king's seed in Edom." He fled into Egypt, where he married the sister of Pharaoh's wife (Kg1 11:14). He became one of Solomon's adversaries. (4.) Sharp, (a different name in Hebrew from the preceding), one of the sons of Ishmael (Ch1 1:30). Called also Hadar (Gen 25:15).

Hadadezer Hadad is help; called also Hadarezer, Adod is his help, the king of Zobah. Hanun, the king of the Ammonites, hired among others the army of Hadadezer to assist him in his war against David. Joab, who was sent against this confederate host, found them in double battle array, the Ammonities toward their capital of Rabbah, and the Syrian mercenaries near Medeba. In the battle which was fought the Syrians were scattered, and the Ammonites in alarm fled into their capital. After this Hadadezer went north "to recover his border" (Sa2 8:3, A.V.); but rather, as the Revised Version renders, "to recover his dominion", i.e., to recruit his forces. Then followed another battle with the Syrian army thus recruited, which resulted in its being totally routed at Helam (Sa2 10:17). Shobach, the leader of the Syrian army, died on the field of battle. The Syrians of Damascus, who had come to help Hadadezer, were also routed, and Damascus was made tributary to David. All the spoils taken in this war, "shields of gold" and "very much brass," from which afterwards the "brazen sea, and the pillars, and the vessels of brass" for the temple were made (Ch1 18:8), were brought to Jerusalem and dedicated to Jehovah. Thus the power of the Ammonites and the Syrians was finally broken, and David's empire extended to the Euphrates (Sa2 10:15; Ch1 19:15).

Hadad-rimmon Composed of the names of two Syrian idols), the name of a place in the valley of Megiddo. It is alluded to by the prophet Zechariah (Zac 12:11) in a proverbial expression derived from the lamentation for Josiah, who was mortally wounded near this place (Ch2 35:22). It has been identified with the modern Rummaneh, a village "at the foot of the Megiddo hills, in a notch or valley about an hour and a half south of Tell Metzellim."

Hadar Adod, brave(?). (1.) A son of Ishmael (Gen 25:15); in Ch1 1:30 written Hadad. (2.) One of the Edomitish kings (Gen 36:39) about the time of Saul. Called also Hadad (Ch1 1:50, Ch1 1:51). It is probable that in these cases Hadar may be an error simply of transcription for Hadad.

Hadarezer Adod is his help, the name given to Hadadezer (Sa2 8:3) in 2 Sam. 10.

Hadashah New, a city in the valley of Judah (Jos 15:37).

Hadassah Myrtle, the Jewish name of Esther (q.v.), Est 2:7.

Hadattah New, one of the towns in the extreme south of Judah (Jos 15:25).

Hades That which is out of sight, a Greek word used to denote the state or place of the dead. All the dead alike go into this place. To be buried, to go down to the grave, to descend into Hades, are equivalent expressions. In the LXX. this word is the usual rendering of the Hebrew sheol, the common receptacle of the departed (Gen 42:38; Psa 139:8; Hos 13:14; Isa 14:9). This term is of comparatively rare occurrence in the Greek New Testament. Our Lord speaks of Capernaum as being "brought down to hell" (Hades), i.e., simply to the lowest debasement, (Mat 11:23). It is contemplated as a kind of kingdom which could never overturn the foundation of Christ's kingdom (Mat 16:18), i.e., Christ's church can never die. In Luk 16:23 it is most distinctly associated with the doom and misery of the lost. In Act 2:27 Peter quotes the LXX. version of Psa 16:8, plainly for the purpose of proving our Lord's resurrection from the dead. David was left in the place of the dead, and his body saw corruption. Not so with Christ. According to ancient prophecy (Psa 30:3) he was recalled to life.

Hadid Pointed, a place in the tribe of Benjamin near Lydda, or Lod, and Ono (Ezr 2:33; Neh 7:37). It is identified with the modern el-Haditheh, 3 miles east of Lydda.