Guest-chamber The spare room on the upper floor of an Eastern dwelling (Mar 14:14; Luk 22:11). In Luk 2:7 the word is translated "inn" (q.v.).

Gur A whelp, a place near Ibleam where Jehu's servants overtook and mortally wounded king Ahaziah (Kg2 9:27); an ascent from the plain of Jezreel.

Gur-baal Sojourn of Baal, a place in Arabia (Ch2 26:7) where there was probably a temple of Baal.

Gutter Heb. tsinnor , (Sa2 5:8). This Hebrew word occurs only elsewhere in Psa 42:7 in the plural, where it is rendered "waterspouts." It denotes some passage through which water passed; a water-course. In Gen 30:38, Gen 30:41 the Hebrew word rendered "gutters" is rahat, and denotes vessels overflowing with water for cattle (Exo 2:16); drinking-troughs.

Habakkuk Embrace, the eighth of the twelve minor prophets. Of his personal history we have no reliable information. He was probably a member of the Levitical choir. He was contemporary with Jeremiah and Zephaniah.

Habakkuk, Prophecies of Were probably written about 650-627 B.C., or, as some think, a few years later. This book consists of three chapters, the contents of which are thus comprehensively described: "When the prophet in spirit saw the formidable power of the Chaldeans approaching and menacing his land, and saw the great evils they would cause in Judea, he bore his complaints and doubts before Jehovah, the just and the pure (Hab. 1:2-17). And on this occasion the future punishment of the Chaldeans was revealed to him (Hab. 2). In Hab. 3 a presentiment of the destruction of his country, in the inspired heart of the prophet, contends with his hope that the enemy would be chastised." The third chapter is a sublime song dedicated "to the chief musician," and therefore intended apparently to be used in the worship of God. It is "unequaled in majesty and splendour of language and imagery." The passage in Hab 2:4, "The just shall live by his faith," is quoted by the apostle in Rom 1:17. (Compare Gal 3:12; Heb 10:37, Heb 10:38.)

Habergeon An Old English word for breastplate. In Job 41:26 (Heb. shiryah ) it is properly a "coat of mail;" the Revised Version has "pointed shaft." In Exo 28:32, Exo 39:23, it denotes a military garment strongly and thickly woven and covered with mail round the neck and breast. Such linen corselets have been found in Egypt. The word used in these verses is tahra, which is of Egyptian origin. The Revised Version, however, renders it by "coat of mail." (See ARMOUR.)

Habitation God is the habitation of his people, who find rest and safety in him (Psa 71:3; Psa 91:9). Justice and judgment are the inhabitation of God's throne (Psa 89:14, Heb. mekhon , "foundation"), because all his acts are founded on justice and judgment. (See Psa 132:5, Psa 132:13; Eph 2:22, of Canaan, Jerusalem, and the temple as God's habitation.) God inhabits eternity (Isa 57:15), i.e., dwells not only among men, but in eternity, where time is unknown; and "the praises of Israel" (Psa 22:3), i.e., he dwells among those praises and is continually surrounded by them.

Habor The united stream, or, according to others, with beautiful banks, the name of a river in Assyria, and also of the district through which it flowed (Ch1 5:26). There is a river called Khabur which rises in the central highlands of Kurdistan, and flows south-west till it falls into the Tigris, about 70 miles above Mosul. This was not, however, the Habor of Scripture. There is another river of the same name (the Chaboras) which, after a course of about 200 miles, flows into the Euphrates at Karkesia, the ancient Circesium. This was, there can be little doubt, the ancient Habor.

Hachilah The darksome hill, one of the peaks of the long ridge of el-Kolah, running out of the Ziph plateau, "on the south of Jeshimon" (i.e., of the "waste"), the district to which one looks down from the plateau of Ziph (Sa1 23:19). After his reconciliation with Saul at Engedi (Sa1 24:1), David returned to Hachilah, where he had fixed his quarters. The Ziphites treacherously informed Saul of this, and he immediately (Sa1 26:1) renewed his pursuit of David, and "pitched in the hill of Hachilah." David and his nephew Abishai stole at night into the midst of Saul's camp, when they were all asleep, and noiselessly removed the royal spear and the cruse from the side of the king, and then, crossing the intervening valley to the height on the other side, David cried to the people, and thus awoke the sleepers. He then addressed Saul, who recognized his voice, and expostulated with him. Saul professed to be penitent; but David could not put confidence in him, and he now sought refuge at Ziklag. David and Saul never afterwards met. (Sa1 26:13).