Grace (1.) Of form or person (Pro 1:9; Pro 3:22; Psa 45:2). (2.) Favour, kindness, friendship (Gen 6:8; Gen 18:3; Gen 19:19; Ti2 1:9). (3.) God's forgiving mercy (Rom 11:6; Eph 2:5). (4.) The gospel as distinguished from the law (Joh 1:17; Rom 6:14; Pe1 5:12). (5.) Gifts freely bestowed by God; as miracles, prophecy, tongues (Rom 15:15; Co1 15:10; Eph 3:8). (6.) Christian virtues (Co2 8:7; Pe2 3:18). (7.) The glory hereafter to be revealed (Pe1 1:13).

Grace, Means of An expression not used in Scripture, but employed (1.) to denote those institutions ordained by God to be the ordinary channels of grace to the souls of men. These are the Word, Sacraments, and Prayer. (2.) But in popular language the expression is used in a wider sense to denote those exercises in which we engage for the purpose of obtaining spiritual blessing; as hearing the gospel, reading the Word, meditation, self-examination, Christian conversation, etc.

Graft The process of inoculating fruit-trees (Rom 11:17). It is peculiarly appropriate to olive-trees. The union thus of branches to a stem is used to illustrate the union of true believers to the true Church.

Grain Used, in Amo 9:9, of a small stone or kernel; in Mat 13:31, of an individual seed of mustard; in Joh 12:24, Co1 15:37, of wheat. The Hebrews sowed only wheat, barley, and spelt; rye and oats are not mentioned in Scripture.

Grape The fruit of the vine, which was extensively cultivated in Palestine. Grapes are spoken of as "tender" (Sol 2:13, Sol 2:15), "unripe" (Job 15:33), "sour" (Isa 18:5), "wild" (Isa 5:2, Isa 5:4). (See Rev 14:18; Mic 7:1; Jer 6:9; Eze 18:2, for figurative use of the word.) (See VINE.)

Grass (1.) Heb. hatsir , ripe grass fit for mowing (Kg1 18:5; Job 40:15; Psa 104:14). As the herbage rapidly fades under the scorching sun, it is used as an image of the brevity of human life (Isa 40:6, Isa 40:7; Psa 90:5). In Num 11:5 this word is rendered "leeks." (2.) Heb. deshe' , green grass (Gen 1:11, Gen 1:12; Isa 66:14; Deu 32:2). "The sickly and forced blades of grass which spring up on the flat plastered roofs of houses in the East are used as an emblem of speedy destruction, because they are small and weak, and because, under the scorching rays of the sun, they soon wither away" (Kg2 19:26; Psa 129:6; Isa 37:27). The dry stalks of grass were often used as fuel for the oven (Mat 6:30; Mat 13:30; Luk 12:28).

Grasshopper Belongs to the class of neuropterous insects called Gryllidae. This insect is not unknown in Palestine. In Jdg 6:5; Jdg 7:12; Job 39:30; Jer 46:23, where the Authorized Version has "grasshopper," the Revised Version more correctly renders the Hebrew word ( 'arbeh ) by "locust." This is the case also in Amo 7:1; Nah 3:17, where the Hebrew word gob is used; and in Lev 11:22; Num 13:33; Ecc 12:5; Isa 40:22, where hagab is used. In all these instances the proper rendering is probably "locust" (q.v.).

Grate A network of brass for the bottom of the great altar of sacrifice (Exo 27:4; Exo 35:16; Exo 38:4, Exo 38:5, Exo 38:30).

Grave Among the ancient Hebrews graves were outside of cities in the open field (Luk 7:12; Joh 11:30). Kings (Kg1 2:10) and prophets (Sa1 25:1) were generally buried within cities. Graves were generally grottoes or caves, natural or hewn out in rocks (Isa 22:16; Mat 27:60). There were family cemeteries (Gen 47:29; Gen 50:5; Sa2 19:37). Public burial-places were assigned to the poor (Jer 26:23; Kg2 23:6). Graves were usually closed with stones, which were whitewashed, to warn strangers against contact with them (Mat 23:27), which caused ceremonial pollution (Num 19:16). There were no graves in Jerusalem except those of the kings, and according to tradition that of the prophetess Huldah.

Graven Image Deu 27:15; Psa 97:7 (Heb. pesel ), refers to the household gods of idolaters. "Every nation and city had its own gods. Yet every family had its separate household or tutelary god."