Gilead, Balm of The region of Gilead abounded in spices and aromatic gums, which were exported to Egypt and Tyre (Gen 37:25; Jer 8:22; Jer 46:11; Eze 27:17). The word "balm" is a contracted form of "balsam," a word derived from the Greek balsamon , which was adopted as the representative of the Hebrew words baal shemen , meaning "lord" or "chief of oils." The Hebrew name of this balm was tsori . The tree yielding this medicinal oil was probably the Balsamodendron opobalsamum of botanists, and the Amyris opobalsamum of Linnaeus. It is an evergreen, rising to the height of about 14 feet. The oil or resin, exuding through an orifice made in its bark in very small quantities, is esteemed of great value for its supposed medicinal qualities. (See BALM.) It may be noted that Coverdale's version reads in Jer 8:22, "There is no triacle in Galaad." The word "triacle" = "treacle" is used in the sense of ointment.

Gilgal Rolling. (1.) From the solemn transaction of the reading of the law in the valley of Shechem between Ebal and Gerizim the Israelites moved forward to Gilgal, and there made a permanent camp (Jos 9:6; Jos 10:6). It was "beside the oaks of Moreh," near which Abraham erected his first altar (Gen 12:6, Gen 12:7). This was one of the three towns to which Samuel resorted for the administration of justice (Sa1 7:16), and here also he offered sacrifices when the ark was no longer in the tabernacle at Shiloh (Sa1 10:8; Sa1 13:7). To this place, as to a central sanctuary, all Israel gathered to renew their allegiance to Saul (Sa1 11:14). At a later period it became the scene of idolatrous worship (Hos 4:15; Hos 9:15). It has been identified with the ruins of Jiljilieh, about 5 miles south-west of Shiloh and about the same distance from Bethel. (2.) The place in "the plains of Jericho," "in the east border of Jericho," where the Israelites first encamped after crossing the Jordan (Jos 4:19, Jos 4:20). Here they kept their first Passover in the land of Canaan (Jos 5:10) and renewed the rite of circumcision, and so "rolled away the reproach" of their Egyptian slavery. Here the twelve memorial stones, taken from the bed of the Jordan, were set up; and here also the tabernacle remained till it was removed to Shiloh (Jos 18:1). It has been identified with Tell Jiljulieh, about 5 miles from Jordan. (3.) A place, probably in the hill country of Ephraim, where there was a school of the prophets (Kg2 4:38), and whence Elijah and Elisha, who resided here, "went down" to Bethel (Kg2 2:1, Kg2 2:2). It is mentioned also in Deu 11:30. It is now known as Jiljilia, a place 8 miles north of Bethel.

Giloh Exile, a city in the south-west part of the hill-country of Judah (Jos 15:51). It was the native place or residence of the traitor Ahithophel "the Gilonite" (Jos 15:51; Sa2 15:12), and where he committed suicide (Sa2 17:23). It has been identified with Kurbet Jala, about 7 miles north of Hebron.

Gimzo A place fertile in sycamores, a city in the plain of Judah, the villages of which were seized by the Philistines (Ch2 28:18). It is now called Jimzu, about 3 miles south-east of Ludd, i.e., Lydda.

Gin A trap. (1.) Psa 140:5, Psa 141:9, Amo 3:5, the Hebrew word used, mokesh, means a noose or "snare," as it is elsewhere rendered (Psa 18:5; Pro 13:14, etc.). (2.) Job 18:9, Isa 8:14, Heb. pah , a plate or thin layer; and hence a net, a snare, trap, especially of a fowler (Psa 69:22, "Let their table before them become a net;" Amo 3:5, "Doth a bird fall into a net [pah] upon the ground where there is no trap-stick [mokesh] for her? doth the net [pah] spring up from the ground and take nothing at all?" (Gesenius.)

Girdle (1.) Heb. hagor , a girdle of any kind worn by soldiers (Sa1 18:4; Sa2 20:8; Kg1 2:5; Kg2 3:21) or women (Isa 3:24). (2.) Heb. 'ezor , something "bound," worn by prophets (Kg2 1:8; Jer 13:1), soldiers (Isa 5:27; Sa2 20:8; Eze 23:15), Kings (Job 12:18). (3.) Heb. mezah , a "band," a girdle worn by men alone (Psa 109:19; Isa 22:21). (4.) Heb. 'abnet , the girdle of sacerdotal and state officers (Exo 28:4, Exo 28:39, Exo 28:40; Exo 29:9; Exo 39:29). (5.) Heb. hesheb , the "curious girdle" (Exo 28:8; R.V., "cunningly woven band") was attached to the ephod, and was made of the same material. The common girdle was made of leather (Kg2 1:8; Mat 3:4); a finer sort of linen (Jer 13:1; Eze 16:10; Dan 10:5). Girdles of sackcloth were worn in token of sorrow (Isa 3:24; Isa 22:12). They were variously fastened to the wearer (Mar 1:6; Jer 13:1; Eze 16:10). The girdle was a symbol of strength and power (Job 12:18, Job 12:21; Job 30:11; Isa 22:21; Isa 45:5). "Righteousness and faithfulness" are the girdle of the Messiah (Isa 11:5). Girdles were used as purses or pockets (Mat 10:9. A. V., "purses;" R.V., marg., "girdles." Also Mar 6:8).

Girgashite Dwelling in clayey soil, the descendants of the fifth son of Canaan (Gen 10:16), one of the original tribes inhabiting the land of Canaan before the time of the Israelites (Gen 15:21; Deu 7:1). They were a branch of the great family of the Hivites. Of their geographical position nothing is certainly known. Probably they lived somewhere in the central part of Western Palestine.

Gittah-hepher (Jos 19:13). See GATH-HEPHER

Gittaim Two wine-presses, (Sa2 4:3; Neh 11:33), a town probably in Benjamin to which the Beerothites fled.

Gittite A native of the Philistine city of Gath (Jos 13:3). Obed-edom, in whose house the ark was placed, is so designated (Sa2 6:10). Six hundred Gittites came with David from Gath into Israel (Sa2 15:18, Sa2 15:19).