Eternal Death The miserable fate of the wicked in hell (Mat 25:46; Mar 3:29; Heb 6:2; Th2 1:9; Mat 18:8; Mat 25:41; Jde 1:7). The Scripture as clearly teaches the unending duration of the penal sufferings of the lost as the "everlasting life," the "eternal life" of the righteous. The same Greek words in the New Testament ( aion, aionios, aidios ) are used to express (1.) the eternal existence of God (Ti1 1:17; Rom 1:20; Rom 16:26); (2.) of Christ (Rev 1:18); (3.) of the Holy Ghost (Heb 9:14); and (4.) the eternal duration of the sufferings of the lost (Mat 25:46; Jde 1:6). Their condition after casting off the mortal body is spoken of in these expressive words: "Fire that shall not be quenched" (Mar 9:45, Mar 9:46), "fire unquenchable" (Luk 3:17), "the worm that never dies," the "bottomless pit" (Rev 9:1), "the smoke of their torment ascending up for ever and ever" (Rev 14:10, Rev 14:11). The idea that the "second death" (Rev 20:14) is in the case of the wicked their absolute destruction, their annihilation, has not the slightest support from Scripture, which always represents their future as one of conscious suffering enduring for ever. The supposition that God will ultimately secure the repentance and restoration of all sinners is equally unscriptural. There is not the slightest trace in all the Scriptures of any such restoration. Sufferings of themselves have no tendency to purify the soul from sin or impart spiritual life. The atoning death of Christ and the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit are the only means of divine appointment for bringing men to repentance. Now in the case of them that perish these means have been rejected, and "there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins" (Heb 10:26, Heb 10:27).

Etham Perhaps another name for Khetam, or "fortress," on the Shur or great wall of Egypt, which extended from the Mediterranean to the Gulf of Suez. Here the Israelites made their third encampment (Exo 13:20; Num 33:6). The camp was probably a little to the west of the modern town of Ismailia. Here the Israelites were commanded to change their route (Exo 14:2), and "turn" towards the south, and encamp before Pi-hahiroth. (See EXODUS; PITHOM.)

Ethan Firm. (1.) "The Ezrahite," distinguished for his wisdom (Kg1 4:31). He is named as the author of the 89th Psalm. He was of the tribe of Levi. (2.) A Levite of the family of Merari, one of the leaders of the temple music (Ch1 6:44; Ch1 15:17, Ch1 15:19). He was probably the same as Jeduthun. He is supposed by some to be the same also as (1).

Ethanim The month of gifts, i.e., of vintage offerings; called Tisri after the Exile; corresponding to part of September and October. It was the first month of the civil year, and the seventh of the sacred year (Kg1 8:2).

Eth-baal With Baal, a king of Sidon (940-908 B.C.), father of Jezebel, who was the wife of Ahab (Kg1 16:31). He is said to have been also a priest of Astarte, whose worship was closely allied to that of Baal, and this may account for his daughter'] zeal in promoting idolatry in Israel. This marriage of Ahab was most fatal to both Israel and Judah. Dido, the founder of Carthage, was his granddaughter.

Ethiopia Country of burnt faces; the Greek word by which the Hebrew Cush is rendered (Gen 2:13; Kg2 19:9; Est 1:1; Job 28:19; Psa 68:31; Psa 87:4), a country which lay to the south of Egypt, beginning at Syene on the First Cataract (Eze 29:10; Eze 30:6), and extending to beyond the confluence of the White and Blue Nile. It corresponds generally with what is now known as the Soudan (i.e., the land of the blacks). This country was known to the Hebrews, and is described in Isa 18:1; Zep 3:10. They carried on some commercial intercourse with it (Isa 45:14). Its inhabitants were descendants of Ham (Gen 10:6; Jer 13:23; Isa 18:2, "scattered and peeled," A.V.; but in R.V., "tall and smooth"). Herodotus, the Greek historian, describes them as "the tallest and handsomest of men." They are frequently represented on Egyptian monuments, and they are all of the type of the true Negro. As might be expected, the history of this country is interwoven with that of Egypt. Ethiopia is spoken of in prophecy (Psa 68:31; Psa 87:4; Isa 45:14; Eze 30:4; Dan 11:43; Nah 3:8; Hab 3:7; Zep 2:12).

Ethiopian Eunuch The chief officer or prime minister of state of Candace (q.v.), queen of Ethiopia. He was converted to Christianity through the instrumentality of Philip (Act 8:27). The northern portion of Ethiopia formed the kingdom of Meroe, which for a long period was ruled over by queens, and it was probably from this kingdom that the eunuch came.

Ethiopian Woman The wife of Moses (Num 12:1). It is supposed that Zipporah, Moses' first wife (Exo 2:21), was now dead. His marriage of this "woman" descended from Ham gave offense to Aaron and Miriam.

Eunuch Literally bed-keeper or chamberlain, and not necessarily in all cases one who was mutilated, although the practice of employing such mutilated persons in Oriental courts was common (Kg2 9:32; Est 2:3). The law of Moses excluded them from the congregation (Deu 23:1). They were common also among the Greeks and Romans. It is said that even to-day there are some in Rome who are employed in singing soprano in the Sistine Chapel. Three classes of eunuchs are mentioned in Mat 19:12.

Eunice Happily conquering, the mother of Timothy, a believing Jewess, but married to a Greek (Act 16:1). She trained her son from his childhood in the knowledge of the Scriptures (Ti2 3:15). She was distinguished by her "unfeigned faith."