Engines (1.) Heb. hishalon i.e., "invention" (as in Ecc 7:29) contrivances indicating ingenuity. In Ch2 26:15 it refers to inventions for the purpose of propelling missiles from the walls of a town, such as stones (the Roman balista) and arrows (the catapulta). (2.) Heb. mechi kobollo , i.e., the beating of that which is in front a battering-ram (Eze 26:9), the use of which was common among the Egyptians and the Assyrians. Such an engine is mentioned in the reign of David (Sa2 20:15).

Engraver Heb. harash (Exo 35:35; Exo 38:23) means properly an artificer in wood, stone, or metal. The chief business of the engraver was cutting names or devices on rings and seals and signets (Exo 28:11, Exo 28:21, Exo 28:36; Gen 38:18).

En-hakkore Fountain of the crier the name of the spring in Lehi which burst forth in answer to Samson's prayer when he was exhausted with the slaughter of the Philistines (Jdg 15:19). It has been identified with the spring 'Ayun Kara , near Zoreah.

Enmity Deep-rooted hatred. "I will put enmity between thee and the woman, between thy seed and her seed" (Gen 3:15). The friendship of the world is "enmity with God" (Jam 4:4; Jo1 2:15, Jo1 2:16). The "carnal mind" is "enmity" against God" (Rom 8:7). By the abrogation of the Mosaic institutes the "enmity" between Jew and Gentile is removed. They are reconciled, are "made one" (Eph 2:15, Eph 2:16).

Enoch Initiated. (1.) The eldest son of Cain (Gen 4:17), who built a city east of Eden in the land of Nod, and called it "after the name of his son Enoch." This is the first "city" mentioned in Scripture. (2.) The son of Jared, and father of Methuselah (Gen 5:21; Luk 3:37). His father was one hundred and sixty-two years old when he was born. After the birth of Methuselah, Enoch "walked with God three hundred years" (Gen 5:22), when he was translated without tasting death. His whole life on earth was three hundred and sixty-five years. He was the "seventh from Adam" (Jde 1:14), as distinguished from the son of Cain, the third from Adam. He is spoken of in the catalogue of Old Testament worthies in the Epistle to the Hebrews (Heb 11:5). When he was translated, only Adam, so far as recorded, had as yet died a natural death, and Noah was not yet born. Mention is made of Enoch's prophesying only in Jde 1:14.

Enos Man the son of Seth, and grandson of Adam (Gen 5:6; Luk 3:38). He lived nine hundred and five years. In his time "men began to call upon the name of the Lord" (Gen 4:26), meaning either (1.) then began men to call themselves by the name of the Lord (marg.) i.e., to distinguish themselves thereby from idolaters; or (2.) then men in some public and earnest way began to call upon the Lord, indicating a time of spiritual revival.

En-rogel Fountain of the treaders; i.e., "foot-fountain;" also called the "fullers' fountain," because fullers here trod the clothes in water. It has been identified with the "fountain of the virgin" (q.v.), the modern 'Ain Ummel-Daraj . Others identify it, with perhaps some probability, with the Bir Eyub, to the south of the Pool of Siloam, and below the junction of the valleys of Kidron and Hinnom. (See FOUNTAIN.) It was at this fountain that Jonathan and Ahimaaz lay hid after the flight of David (Sa2 17:17); and here also Adonijah held the feast when he aspired to the throne of his father (Kg1 1:9). The Bir Eyub, or "Joab's well," "is a singular work of ancient enterprise. The shaft sunk through the solid rock in the bed of the Kidron is 125 feet deep... The water is pure and entirely sweet, quite different from that of Siloam; which proves that there is no connection between them." Thomson's Land and the Book.

En-shemesh Fountain of the sun a spring which formed one of the landmarks on the boundary between Judah and Benjamin (Jos 15:7; Jos 18:17). It was between the "ascent of Adummim" and the spring of En-rogel, and hence was on the east of Jerusalem and of the Mount of Olives. It is the modern 'Ain-Haud i.e., the "well of the apostles" about a mile east of Bethany, the only spring on the road to Jericho. The sun shines on it the whole day long.

Ensign (1.) Heb. 'oth , a military standard, especially of a single tribe (Num 2:2). Each separate tribe had its own "sign" or "ensign." (2.) Heb. nes , a lofty signal, as a column or high pole (Num 21:8, Num 21:9); a standard or signal or flag placed on high mountains to point out to the people a place of rendezvous on the irruption of an enemy (Isa 5:26; Isa 11:12; Isa 18:3; Isa 62:10; Jer 4:6, Jer 4:21; Psa 60:4). This was an occasional signal, and not a military standard. Elevation and conspicuous are implied in the word. (3.) The Hebrew word degel denotes the standard given to each of the four divisions of the host of the Israelites at the Exodus (Num 1:52; Num 2:2 : Num 10:14). In Sol 2:4 it is rendered "banner." We have no definite information as to the nature of these military standards. (See BANNER.)

Entertain Entertainments, "feasts," were sometimes connected with a public festival (Deu 16:11, Deu 16:14), and accompanied by offerings (Sa1 9:13), in token of alliances (Gen 26:30); sometimes in connection with domestic or social events, as at the weaning of children (Gen 21:8), at weddings (Gen 29:22; Joh 2:1), on birthdays (Mat 14:6), at the time of sheep-shearing (Sa2 13:23), and of vintage (Jdg 9:27), and at funerals (Sa2 3:35; Jer 16:7). The guests were invited by servants (Pro 9:3; Mat 22:3), who assigned them their respective places (Sa1 9:22; Luk 14:8; Mar 12:39). Like portions were sent by the master to each guest (Sa1 1:4; Sa2 6:19), except when special honour was intended, when the portion was increased (Gen 43:34). The Israelites were forbidden to attend heathenish sacrificial entertainments (Exo 34:15), because these were in honour of false gods, and because at such feast they would be liable to partake of unclean flesh (Co1 10:28). In the entertainments common in apostolic times among the Gentiles were frequent "revelings," against which Christians were warned (Rom 13:13; Gal 5:21; Pe1 4:3). (See BANQUET.)