Emmanuel God with us, Mat 1:23). (See IMMANUEL.)

Emmaus Hot baths, a village "three-score furlongs" from jerusalem, where our Lord had an interview with two of his disciples on the day of his resurrection (Luk 24:13). This has been identified with the modern el-Kubeibeh, lying over 7 miles north-west of Jerusalem. This name, el-Kubeibeh, meaning "little dome," is derived from the remains of the Crusaders' church yet to be found there. Others have identified it with the modern Khurbet Khamasa i.e., "the ruins of Khamasa", about 8 miles south-west of Jerusalem, where there are ruins also of a Crusaders' church. Its site, however has been much disputed.

Emmor An ass, Act 7:16. (See HAMOR.)

Encamp An encampment was the resting-place for a longer or shorter period of an army or company of travelers (Exo 13:20; Exo 14:19; Jos 10:5; Jos 11:5). The manner in which the Israelites encamped during their march through the wilderness is described in Num. 2 and 3. The order of the encampment (see CAMP) was preserved in the march (Num 2:17), the signal for which was the blast of two silver trumpets. Detailed regulations affecting the camp for sanitary purposes are given (Lev 4:11, Lev 4:12; Lev 6:11; Lev 8:17; Lev 10:4, Lev 10:5; Lev 13:46; Lev 14:3; Num 12:14, Num 12:15; Num 31:19; Deu 23:10, Deu 23:12). Criminals were executed without the camp (Lev 4:12; compare Joh 19:17, Joh 19:20), and there also the young bullock for a sin-offering was burnt (Lev 24:14; compare Heb 13:12). In the subsequent history of Israel frequent mention is made of their encampments in the time of war (Jdg 7:18; Sa1 13:2, Sa1 13:3, Sa1 13:16, Sa1 13:23; Sa1 17:3; Sa1 29:1; Sa1 30:9, Sa1 30:24). The temple was sometimes called "the camp of the Lord" (Ch2 31:2, R.V.; compare Psa 78:28). The multitudes who flocked to David are styled "a great host (i.e., "camp;" Heb. mahaneh ), like the host of God" (Ch1 12:22).

Enchantments (1.) The rendering of Hebrew latim or lehatim, which means "something covered," "muffled up;" secret arts, tricks (Exo 7:11, Exo 7:22; Exo 8:7, Exo 8:18), by which the Egyptian magicians imposed on the credulity of Pharaoh. (2.) The rendering of the Hebrew keshaphim, "muttered spells" or "incantations," rendered "sorceries" in Isa 47:9, Isa 47:12, i.e., the using of certain formulae under the belief that men could thus be bound. (3.) Hebrew lehashim, "charming," as of serpents (Jer 8:17; compare Psa 58:5). (4.) Hebrew nehashim, the enchantments or omens used by Balaam (Num 24:1); his endeavouring to gain omens favourable to his design. (5.) Hebrew heber (Isa 47:9, Isa 47:12), "magical spells." All kinds of enchantments were condemned by the Mosaic law (Lev 19:26; Deu 18:10). (See DIVINATION.)

End In Heb 13:7, is the rendering of the unusual Greek word ekbasin , meaning "outcome", i.e., death. It occurs only elsewhere in Co1 10:13, where it is rendered "escape."

Endor Fountain of Dor; i.e., "of the age", a place in the territory of Issachar (Jos 17:11) near the scene of the great victory which was gained by Deborah and Barak over Sisera and Jabin (compare Psa 83:9, Psa 83:10). To Endor, Saul resorted to consult one reputed to be a witch on the eve of his last engagement with the Philistines (Sa1 28:7). It is identified with the modern village of Endur, "a dirty hamlet of some twenty houses, or rather huts, most of them falling to ruin," on the northern slope of Little Hermon, about 7 miles from Jezreel.

En-eglaim Fountain of two calves, a place mentioned only in Eze 47:10. Somewhere near the Dead Sea.

En-gannim Fountain of gardens. (1.) A town in the plains of Judah (Jos 15:34), north-west of Jerusalem, between Zanoah and Tappuah. It is the modern Umm Jina. (2.) A city on the border of Machar (Jos 19:21), allotted to the Gershonite Levites (Jos 21:29). It is identified with the modern Jenin, a large and prosperous town of about 4,000 inhabitants, situated 15 miles south of Mount Tabor, through which the road from Jezreel to Samaria and Jerusalem passes. When Ahaziah, king of Judah, attempted to escape from Jehu, he "fled by the way of the garden house" i.e., by way of En-gannim. Here he was overtaken by Jehu and wounded in his chariot, and turned aside and fled to Megiddo, a distance of about 20 miles, to die there.

Engedi Fountain of the kid, place in the wilderness of Judah (Jos 15:62), on the western shore of the Dead Sea (Eze 47:10), and nearly equidistant from both extremities. To the wilderness near this town David fled for fear of Saul (Jos 15:62; Sa1 23:29). It was at first called Hazezon-tamar (Gen 14:7), a city of the Amorites. The vineyards of Engedi were celebrated in Solomon's time (Sol 1:4). It is the modern 'Ain Jidy . The "fountain" from which it derives its name rises on the mountain side about 600 feet above the sea, and in its rapid descent spreads luxuriance all around it. Along its banks the osher grows abundantly. That shrub is thus described by Porter: "The stem is stout, measuring sometimes nearly a foot in diameter, and the plant grows to the height of 15 feet or more. It has a grayish bark and long oval leaves, which when broken off discharge a milky fluid. The fruit resembles an apple, and hangs in clusters of two or three. When ripe it is of a rich yellow colour, but on being pressed it explodes like a puff-ball. It is chiefly filled with air... This is the so-called 'apple of Sodom.'" Through Samaria, etc. (See APPLE.)