Drink, Strong (Heb. shekar ), an intoxicating liquor (Jdg 13:4; Luk 1:15; Isa 5:11; Mic 2:11) distilled from corn, honey, or dates. The effects of the use of strong drink are referred to in Psa 107:27; Isa 24:20; Isa 49:26; Isa 51:17. Its use prohibited, Pro 20:1. (See WINE.)

Drink-offering Consisted of wine (Num 15:5; Hos 9:4) poured around the altar (Exo 30:9). Joined with meat-offerings (Num 6:15, Num 6:17; Kg2 16:13; Joe 1:9, Joe 1:13; Joe 2:14), presented daily (Exo 29:40), on the Sabbath (Num 28:9), and on feast-days (Num 28:14). One-fourth of an hin of wine was required for one lamb, one-third for a ram, and one-half for a bullock (Num 15:5; Num 28:7, Num 28:14). "Drink offerings of blood" (Psa 16:4) is used in allusion to the heathen practice of mingling the blood of animals sacrificed with wine or water, and pouring out the mixture in the worship of the gods, and the idea conveyed is that the psalmist would not partake of the abominations of the heathen.

Dromedary (Isa 60:6), an African or Arabian species of camel having only one hump, while the Bactrian camel has two. It is distinguished from the camel only as a trained saddle-horse is distinguished from a cart-horse. It is remarkable for its speed (Jer 2:23). Camels are frequently spoken of in patriarchal times (Gen 12:16; Gen 24:10; Gen 30:43; Gen 31:17, etc.). They were used for carrying burdens (Gen 37:25; Jdg 6:5), and for riding (Gen 24:64). The hair of the camel falls off of itself in spring, and is woven into coarse cloths and garments (Mat 3:4). (See CAMEL.)

Dropsy Mentioned only in Luk 14:2. The man afflicted with it was cured by Christ on the Sabbath.

Dross The impurities of silver separated from the one in the process of melting (Pro 25:4; Pro 26:23; Psa 119:119). It is also used to denote the base metal itself, probably before it is smelted, in Isa 1:22, Isa 1:25.

Drought From the middle of May to about the middle of August the land of Palestine is dry. It is then the "drought of summer" (Gen 31:40; Psa 32:4), and the land suffers (Deu 28:23; Psa 102:4), vegetation being preserved only by the dews (Hag 1:11). (See DEW.)

Drown (Exo 15:4; Amo 8:8; Heb 11:29). Drowning was a mode of capital punishment in use among the Syrians, and was known to the Jews in the time of our Lord. To this he alludes in Mat 18:6.

Drunk The first case of intoxication on record is that of Noah (Gen 9:21). The sin of drunkenness is frequently and strongly condemned (Rom 13:13; Co1 6:9, Co1 6:10; Eph 5:18; Th1 5:7, Th1 5:8). The sin of drinking to excess seems to have been not uncommon among the Israelites. The word is used figuratively, when men are spoken of as being drunk with sorrow, and with the wine of God's wrath (Isa 63:6; Jer 51:57; Eze 23:33). To "add drunkenness to thirst" (Deu 29:19, A.V.) is a proverbial expression, rendered in the Revised Version "to destroy the moist with the dry", i.e., the well-watered equally with the dry land, meaning that the effect of such walking in the imagination of their own hearts would be to destroy one and all.

Drusilla Third and youngest daughter of Herod Agrippa I. (Act 12:1, Act 12:20). Felix, the Roman Procurator of Judea, induced her to leave her husband, Azizus, the king of Emesa, and become his wife. She was present with Felix when Paul reasoned of "righteousness, temperance, and judgment to come" (Act 24:24). She and her son perished in the eruption of Mount Versuvius, A.D. 79.

Duke Derived from the Latin dux , meaning "a leader;" Arabic, "a sheik." This word is used to denote the phylarch or chief of a tribe (Gen. 36:15-43; Exo 15:15; Ch1 1:51).