Door-keeper This word is used in Psa 84:10 (R.V. marg., "stand at the threshold of," etc.), but there it signifies properly "sitting at the threshold in the house of God." The psalmist means that he would rather stand at the door of God's house and merely look in, than dwell in houses where iniquity prevailed. Persons were appointed to keep the street door leading into the interior of the house (Joh 18:16, Joh 18:17; Act 12:13). Sometimes females held this post.

Door-posts The Jews were commanded to write the divine name on the posts (mezuzoth) of their doors (Deu 6:9). The Jews, misunderstanding this injunction, adopted the custom of writing on a slip of parchment these verses (Deu 6:4; Deu 11:13), which they enclosed in a reed or cylinder and fixed on the right-hand door-post of every room in the house.

Dophkah Knocking, an encampment of the Israelites in the wilderness (Num 33:12). It was in the desert of Sin, on the eastern shore of the western arm of the Red Sea, somewhere in the Wady Feiran.

Dor Dwelling, the Dora of the Romans, an ancient royal city of the Canaanites (Jos 11:1, Jos 11:2; Jos 12:23). It was the most southern settlement of the Phoenicians on the coast of Syria. The original inhabitants seem never to have been expelled, although they were made tributary by David. It was one of Solomon's commissariat districts (Jdg 1:27; Kg1 4:11). It has been identified with Tantura (so named from the supposed resemblance of its tower to a tantur, i.e., "a horn"). This tower fell in 1895, and nothing remains but debris and foundation walls, the remains of an old Crusading fortress. It is about 8 miles north of Caesarea, "a sad and sickly hamlet of wretched huts on a naked sea-beach."

Dorcas A female antelope, or gazelle, a pious Christian widow at Joppa whom Peter restored to life (Act 9:36). She was a Hellenistic Jewess, called Tabitha by the Jews and Dorcas by the Greeks.

Dothan Two wells, a famous pasture-ground where Joseph found his brethren watching their flocks. Here, at the suggestion of Judah, they sold him to the Ishmaelite merchants (Gen 37:17). It is mentioned on monuments in 1600 B.C.. It was the residence of Elisha (Kg2 6:13), and the scene of a remarkable vision of chariots and horses of fire surrounding the mountain on which the city stood. It is identified with the modern Tell-Dothan, on the south side of the plain of Jezreel, about 12 miles north of Samaria, among the hills of Gilboa. The "two wells" are still in existence, one of which bears the name of the "pit of Joseph" (Jubb Yusuf).

Dough (batsek, meaning "swelling," i.e., in fermentation). The dough the Israelites had prepared for baking was carried away by them out of Egypt in their kneading-troughs (Exo 12:34, Exo 12:39). In the process of baking, the dough had to be turned (Hos 7:8).

Dove In their wild state doves generally build their nests in the clefts of rocks, but when domesticated "dove-cots" are prepared for them (Sol 2:14; Jer 48:28; Isa 60:8). The dove was placed on the standards of the Assyrians and Babylonians in honour, it is supposed, of Semi-ramis (Jer 25:38; Vulg., "fierceness of the dove;" compare Jer 46:16; Jer 50:16). Doves and turtle-doves were the only birds that could be offered in sacrifice, as they were clean according to the Mosaic law (Gen 15:9; Lev 5:7; Lev 12:6; Luk 2:24). The dove was the harbinger of peace to Noah (Gen 8:8, Gen 8:10). It is often mentioned as the emblem of purity (Psa 68:13). It is a symbol of the Holy Spirit (Gen 1:2; Mat 3:16; Mar 1:10; Luk 3:22; Joh 1:32); also of tender and devoted affection (Sol 1:15; Sol 2:14). David in his distress wished that he had the wings of a dove, that he might fly away and be at rest (Psa 55:6). There is a species of dove found at Damascus "whose feathers, all except the wings, are literally as yellow as gold" (Psa 68:13).

Dove's Dung (Kg2 6:25) has been generally understood literally. There are instances in history of the dung of pigeons being actually used as food during a famine. Compare also the language of Rabshakeh to the Jews (Kg2 18:27; Isa 36:12). This name, however, is applied by the Arabs to different vegetable substances, and there is room for the opinion of those who think that some such substance is here referred to, as, e.g., the seeds of a kind of millet, or a very inferior kind of pulse, or the root of the ornithogalum, i.e., bird-milk, the star-of-Bethlehem.

Dowry (mohar; i.e., price paid for a wife, Gen 34:12; Exo 22:17; Sa1 18:25), a nuptial present; some gift, as a sum of money, which the bridegroom offers to the father of his bride as a satisfaction before he can receive her. Jacob had no dowry to give for his wife, but he gave his services (Gen 29:18; Gen 30:20; Gen 34:12).