Dial For the measurement of time, only once mentioned in the Bible, erected by Ahaz (Kg2 20:11; Isa 38:8). The Hebrew word ( ma'aloth ) is rendered "steps" in Exo 20:26, Kg1 10:19, and "degrees" in Kg2 20:9, Kg2 20:10, Kg2 20:11. The ma'aloth was probably stairs on which the shadow of a column or obelisk placed on the top fell. The shadow would cover a greater or smaller number of steps, according as the sun was low or high. Probably the sun-dial was a Babylonian invention. Daniel at Babylon (Dan 3:6) is the first to make mention of the "hour."

Diamond (1.) A precious gem (Heb. yahalom' , in allusion to its hardness), otherwise unknown, the sixth, i.e., the third in the second row, in the breastplate of the high priest, with the name of Naphtali engraven on it (Exo 28:18; Exo 39:11; R.V. marg., "sardonyx.") (2.) A precious stone (Heb. shamir' , a sharp point) mentioned in Jer 17:1. From its hardness it was used for cutting and perforating other minerals. It is rendered "adamant" (q.v.) in Eze 3:9, Zac 7:12. It is the hardest and most valuable of precious stones.

Diana So called by the Romans; called Artemis by the Greeks, the "great" goddess worshipped among heathen nations under various modifications. Her most noted temple was that at Ephesus. It was built outside the city walls, and was one of the seven wonders of the ancient world. "First and last it was the work of 220 years; built of shining marble; 342 feet long by 164 feet broad; supported by a forest of columns, each 56 feet high; a sacred museum of masterpieces of sculpture and painting. At the centre, hidden by curtains, within a gorgeous shrine, stood the very ancient image of the goddess, on wood or ebony reputed to have fallen from the sky. Behind the shrine was a treasury, where, as in 'the safest bank in Asia,' nations and kings stored their most precious things. The temple as St. Paul saw it subsisted till A.D. 262, when it was ruined by the Goths" (Acts 19:23-41)., Moule on Ephesians: Introd.

Diblaim Doubled cakes, the mother of Gomer, who was Hosea's wife (Hos 1:3).

Diblathaim Two cakes, a city of Moab, on the east of the Dead Sea (Num 33:46; Jer 48:22).

Dibon Pining; wasting. (1.) A city in Moab (Num 21:30); called also Dibon-gad (Num 33:45), because it was built by Gad and Dimon (Isa 15:9). It has been identified with the modern Diban, about 3 miles north of the Arnon and 12 miles east of the Dead Sea. (See MOABITE STONE.) (2.) A city of the tribe of Judah, inhabited after the Captivity (Neh 11:25); called also Dimonah (Jos 15:22). It is probably the modern ed-Dheib.

Didymus (Gr. twin = Heb. Thomas , (q.v.), Joh 11:16; Joh 20:24; Joh 21:2.

Dimnah Dunghill, a city of Zebulun given to the Merarite Levites (Jos 21:35). In Ch1 6:77 the name "Rimmon" is substituted.

Dinah Judged; vindicated, daughter of Jacob by Leah, and sister of Simeon and Levi (Gen 30:21). She was seduced by Shechem, the son of Hamor, the Hivite chief, when Jacob's camp was in the neighbourhood of Shechem. This led to the terrible revenge of Simeon and Levi in putting the Shechemites to death (Gen. 34). Jacob makes frequent reference to this deed of blood with abhorrence and regret (Gen 34:30; Gen 49:5). She is mentioned among the rest of Jacob's family that went down into Egypt (Gen 46:8, Gen 46:15).

Dine (Gen 43:16) It was the custom in Egypt to dine at noon. But it is probable that the Egyptians took their principal meal in the evening, as was the general custom in the East (Luk 14:12).