Chinnereth Lyre, the singular form of the word (Deu 3:17; Jos 19:35), which is also used in the plural form, Chinneroth, the name of a fenced city which stood near the shore of the lake of Galilee, a little to the south of Tiberias. The town seems to have given its name to a district, as appears from Kg1 15:20, where the plural form of the word is used. The Sea of Chinnereth (Num 34:11; Jos 13:27), or of Chinneroth (Jos 12:3), was the "lake of Gennesaret" or "sea of Tiberias" (Deu 3:17; Jos 11:2). Chinnereth was probably an ancient Canaanitish name adopted by the Israelites into their language.

Chios Mentioned in Act 20:15, an island in the Egean Sea, about 5 miles distant from the mainland, having a roadstead, in the shelter of which Paul and his companions anchored for a night when on his third missionary return journey. It is now called Scio.

Chisleu The name adopted from the Babylonians by the Jews after the Captivity for the third civil, or ninth ecclesiastical, month (Neh 1:1; Zac 7:1). It corresponds nearly with the moon in November.

Chittim Or Kittim, a plural form (Gen 10:4), the name of a branch of the descendants of Javan, the "son" of Japheth. Balaam foretold (Num 24:24) "that ships shall come from the coast of Chittim, and afflict Eber." Daniel prophesied (Dan 11:30) that the ships of Chittim would come against the king of the north. It probably denotes Cyprus, whose ancient capital was called Kition by the Greeks. The references elsewhere made to Chittim (Isa 23:1, Isa 23:12; Jer 2:10; Eze 27:6) are to be explained on the ground that while the name originally designated the Phoenicians only, it came latterly to be used of all the islands and various settlements on the sea-coasts which they had occupied, and then of the people who succeeded them when the Phoenician power decayed. Hence it designates generally the islands and coasts of the Mediterranean and the races that inhabit them.

Chiun Occurs only in Amo 5:26 (R.V. marg., "shrine"). The LXX. translated the word by Rhephan, which became corrupted into Remphan, as used by Stephen (Act 7:43; but R.V., "Rephan"). Probably the planet Saturn is intended by the name. Astrologers represented this planet as baleful in its influences, and hence the Phoenicians offered to it human sacrifices, especially children.

Chloe Verdure, a female Christian (Co1 1:11), some of whose household had informed Paul of the divided state of the Corinthian church. Nothing is known of her.

Chor-ashan Smoking furnace, one of the places where "David himself and his men were wont to haunt" (Sa1 30:30, Sa1 30:31). It is probably identical with Ashan (Jos 15:42; Jos 19:7), a Simeonite city in the Negeb, i.e., the south, belonging to Judah. The word ought, according to another reading, to be "Bor-ashan."

Chorazin Named along with Bethsaida and Capernaum as one of the cities in which our Lord's "mighty works" were done, and which was doomed to woe because of signal privileges neglected (Mat 11:21; Luk 10:13). It has been identified by general consent with the modern Kerazeh, about 2 1/2 miles up the Wady Kerazeh from Capernaum; i.e., Tell Hum.

Chosen Spoken of warriors (Exo 15:4; Jdg 20:16), of the Hebrew nation (Psa 105:43; Deu 7:7), of Jerusalem as the seat of the temple (Kg1 11:13). Christ is the "chosen" of God (Isa 42:1); and the apostles are "chosen" for their work (Act 10:41). It is said with regard to those who do not profit by their opportunities that "many are called, but few are chosen" (Mat 20:16). (See ELECTION.)

Chozeba (Ch1 4:22), the same as Chezib and Achzib, a place in the lowlands of Judah (Gen 38:5; Jos 15:44).