Carriage In the Authorized Version this word is found as the rendering of many different words. In Jdg 18:21 it means valuables, wealth, or booty. In Isa 46:1 (R.V., "the things that ye carried about") the word means a load for a beast of burden. In Sa1 17:22 and Isa 10:28 it is the rendering of a word ("stuff" in Sa1 10:22) meaning implements, equipments, baggage. The phrase in Act 21:15, "We took up our carriages," means properly, "We packed up our baggage," as in the Revised Version.

Cart A vehicle moving on wheels, and usually drawn by oxen (Sa2 6:3). The Hebrew word thus rendered, 'agalah (Sa1 6:7, Sa1 6:8), is also rendered "wagon" (Gen 45:19). It is used also to denote a war-chariot (Psa 46:9). Carts were used for the removal of the ark and its sacred utensils (Num 7:3, Num 7:6). After retaining the ark amongst them for seven months, the Philistines sent it back to the Israelites. On this occasion they set it in a new cart, probably a rude construction, with solid wooden wheels like that still used in Western Asia, which was drawn by two milch cows, which conveyed it straight to Beth-shemesh. A "cart rope," for the purpose of fastening loads on carts, is used (Isa 5:18) as a symbol of the power of sinful pleasures or habits over him who indulges them. (See CORD.) In Syria and Palestine wheel-carriages for any other purpose than the conveyance of agricultural produce are almost unknown.

Carve The arts of engraving and carving were much practised among the Jews. They were practised in connection with the construction of the tabernacle and the temple (Exo 31:2, Exo 31:5; Exo 35:33; Kg1 6:18, Kg1 6:35; Psa 74:6), as well as in the ornamentation of the priestly dresses (Ex. 28:9-36; Zac 3:9; Ch2 2:7, Ch2 2:14). Isaiah (Isa 44:13) gives a minute description of the process of carying idols of wood.

Casement A barrier of open-work placed before windows (Pro 7:6). In Jdg 5:28 the Hebrew word is rendered "lattice," in the LXX. "network," an opening through which cool air is admitted.

Casiphia Silver, a place between Babylon and Jerusalem, where Iddo resided (Ezr 8:17); otherwise unknown.

Casluhim Fortified, a people descended from Mizraim (Gen 10:14; Ch1 1:12). Their original seat was probably somewhere in Lower Egypt, along the sea-coast to the south border of Palestine.

Cassia (1.) Hebrew kiddah' , i.e., "split." One of the principal spices of the holy anointing oil (Exo 30:24), and an article of commerce (Eze 27:19). It is the inner bark of a tree resembling the cinnamon (q.v.), the Cinnamomum cassia of botanists, and was probably imported from India. (2.) Hebrew pl. ketzi'oth (Psa 45:8). Mentioned in connection with myrrh and aloes as being used to scent garments. It was probably prepared from the peeled bark, as the Hebrew word suggests, of some kind of cinnamon.

Castaway Gr. adokimos , (Co1 9:27), one regarded as unworthy (R.V., "rejected"); elsewhere rendered "reprobate" (Ti2 3:8, etc.); "rejected" (Heb 6:8, etc.).

Castle A military fortress (Ch1 11:7), also probably a kind of tower used by the priests for making known anything discovered at a distance (Ch1 6:54). Castles are also mentioned (Gen 25:16) as a kind of watch-tower, from which shepherds kept watch over their flocks by night. The "castle" into which the chief captain commanded Paul to be brought was the quarters of the Roman soldiers in the fortress of Antonia (so called by Herod after his patron Mark Antony), which was close to the north-west corner of the temple (Act 21:34), which it commanded.

Castor and Pollux The "Dioscuri", two heroes of Greek and Roman mythology. Their figures were probably painted or sculptured on the prow of the ship which Luke refers to (Act 28:11). They were regarded as the tutelary divinities of sailors. They appeared in the heavens as the constellation Gemini.