Bricks The making of, formed the chief labour of the Israelites in Egypt (Exo 1:13, Exo 1:14). Those found among the ruins of Babylon and Nineveh are about a foot square and four inches thick. They were usually dried in the sun, though also sometimes in kilns (Sa2 12:31; Jer 43:9; Nah 3:14). (See NEBUCHADNEZZAR.) The bricks used in the tower of Babel were burnt bricks, cemented in the building by bitumen (Gen 11:3).

Bride Frequently used in the ordinary sense (Isa 49:18; Isa 61:10, etc.). The relation between Christ and his church is set forth under the figure of that between a bridegroom and bride (Joh 3:29). The church is called "the bride" (Rev 21:9; Rev 22:17). Compare parable of the Ten Virgins (Mat 25:1).

Bridle Three Hebrew words are thus rendered in the Authorized Version. (1.) Heb. mahsom signifies a muzzle or halter or bridle, by which the rider governs his horse (Psa 39:1). (2.) Metheg, rendered also "bit" in Psa 32:9, which is its proper meaning. Found in Kg2 19:28, where the restraints of God's providence are metaphorically styled his "bridle" and "hook." God's placing a "bridle in the jaws of the people" (Isa 30:28; Isa 37:29) signifies his preventing the Assyrians from carrying out their purpose against Jerusalem. (3.) Another word, resen, was employed to represent a halter or bridle-rein, as used Psa 32:9; Isa 30:28. In Job 30:11 the restraints of law and humanity are called a bridle.

Brier This word occurs frequently, and is the translation of several different terms. (1.) Mic 7:4, it denotes a species of thorn shrub used for hedges. In Pro 15:19 the word is rendered "thorn" (Heb. hedek , "stinging"), supposed by some to be what is called the "apple of Sodom" (q.v.). (2.) Eze 28:24, sallon, properly a "prickle," such as is found on the shoots of the palm tree. (3.) Isa 55:13, probably simply a thorny bush. Some, following the Vulgate Version, regard it as the "nettle." (4.) Isa 5:6; Isa 7:23, etc., frequently used to denote thorny shrubs in general. In Isa 10:17; Isa 27:4, it means troublesome men. (5.) In Heb 6:8 the Greek word ( tribolos ) so rendered means "three-pronged," and denotes the land caltrop, a low thorny shrub resembling in its spikes the military "crow-foot." Compare Mat 7:16, "thistle."

Brigandine (Jer 46:4; Jer 51:3), an obsolete English word denoting a scale coat of armour, or habergeon, worn by light armed "brigands." The Revised Version has "coat of mail."

Brimstone An inflammable mineral substance found in quantities on the shores of the Dead Sea. The cities of the plain were destroyed by a rain of fire and brimstone (Gen 19:24, Gen 19:25). In Isa 34:9 allusion is made to the destruction of these cities. This word figuratively denotes destruction or punishment (Job 18:15; Isa 30:33; Isa 34:9; Psa 11:6; Eze 38:22). It is used to express the idea of excruciating torment in Rev 14:10; Rev 19:20; Rev 20:10.

Brook A torrent. (1.) Applied to small streams, as the Arnon, Jabbok, etc. Isaiah (Isa 15:7) speaks of the "book of the willows," probably the Wady-el-Asha. (2.) It is also applied to winter torrents (Job 6:15; Num 34:5; Jos 15:4, Jos 15:47), and to the torrent-bed or wady as well as to the torrent itself (Num 13:23; Kg1 17:3). (3.) In Isa 19:7 the river Nile is meant, as rendered in the Revised Version.

Brother (1.) In the natural and common sense (Mat 1:2; Luk 3:1, Luk 3:19). (2.) A near relation, a cousin (Gen 13:8; Gen 14:16; Mat 12:46; Joh 7:3; Act 1:14; Gal 1:19). (3.) Simply a fellow-countryman (Mat 5:47; Act 3:22; Heb 7:5). (4.) A disciple or follower (Mat 25:40; Heb 2:11, Heb 2:12). (5.) One of the same faith (Amo 1:9; Act 9:30; Act 11:29; Co1 5:11); whence the early disciples of our Lord were known to each other as brethren. (6.) A colleague in office (Ezr 3:2; Co1 1:1; Co2 1:1). (7.) A fellow-man (Gen 9:5; Gen 19:7; Mat 5:22, Mat 5:23, Mat 5:24; Mat 7:5; Heb 2:17). (8.) One beloved or closely united with another in affection (Sa2 1:26; Act 6:3; Th1 5:1). Brethren of Jesus (Mat 1:25; Mat 12:46, Mat 12:50; Mar 3:31, Mar 3:32; Gal 1:19; Co1 9:5, etc.) were probably the younger children of Joseph and Mary. Some have supposed that they may have been the children of Joseph by a former marriage, and others that they were the children of Mary, the Virgin's sister, and wife of Cleophas. The first interpretation, however, is the most natural.

Bruit A rumour or report (Jer 10:22, R.V. "rumour;" Nah 3:19).

Bucket A vessel to draw water with (Isa 40:15); used figuratively, probably, of a numerous issue (Num 24:7).