Beth-shean House of security or rest, a city which belonged to Manasseh (Ch1 7:29), on the west of Jordan. The bodies of Saul and his sons were fastened to its walls. In Solomon's time it gave its name to a district (Kg1 4:12). The name is found in an abridged form, Bethshan, in Sa1 31:10, Sa1 31:12 and Sa2 21:12. It is on the road from Jerusalem to Damascus, about 5 miles from the Jordan, and 14 from the south end of the Lake of Gennesaret. After the Captivity it was called Scythopolis, i.e., "the city of the Scythians," who about 640 B.C. came down from the steppes of Southern Russia and settled in different places in Syria. It is now called Beisan.

Beth-shemesh House of the sun. (1.) A sacerdotal city in the tribe of Dan (Jos 21:16; Sa1 6:15), on the north border of Judah (Jos 15:10). It was the scene of an encounter between Jehoash, king of Israel, and Amaziah, king of Judah, in which the latter was made prisoner (Kg2 14:11, Kg2 14:13). It was afterwards taken by the Philistines (Ch2 28:18). It is the modern ruined Arabic village 'Ain-shems , on the north-west slopes of the mountains of Judah, 14 miles west of Jerusalem. (2.) A city between Dothan and the Jordan, near the southern border of Issachar (Jos 19:22), 7 1/2 miles south of Beth-shean. It is the modern Ain-esh-Shemsiyeh. (3.) One of the fenced cities of Naphtali (Jos 19:38), between Mount Tabor and the Jordan. Now Khurbet Shema, 3 miles west of Safed. But perhaps the same as No. 2. (4.) An idol sanctuary in Egypt (Jer 43:13); called by the Greeks Heliopolis, and by the Egyptians On (q.v.), Gen 41:45.

Beth-tappuah House of apples, a town of Judah, now Tuffuh, 5 miles west of Hebron (Jos 15:53).

Bethuel Man of God, or virgin of God, or house of God. (1.) The son of Nahor by Milcah; nephew of Abraham, and father of Rebekah (Gen 22:22, Gen 22:23; Gen 24:15, Gen 24:24, Gen 24:47). He appears in person only once (Gen 24:50). (2.) A southern city of Judah (Ch1 4:30); called also Bethul (Jos 19:4) and Bethel (Jos 12:16; Sa1 30:27).

Bethzur House of rock, a town in the mountains of Judah (Jos 15:58), about 4 miles to the north of Hebron. It was built by Rehoboam for the defense of his kingdom (Ch2 11:7). It stood near the modern ed-Dirweh. Its ruins are still seen on a hill which bears the name of Beit-Sur, and which commands the road from Beer-sheba and Hebron to Jerusalem from the south.

Betroth To promise "by one's truth." Men and women were betrothed when they were engaged to be married. This usually took place a year or more before marriage. From the time of betrothal the woman was regarded as the lawful wife of the man to whom she was betrothed (Deu 28:30; Jdg 14:2, Jdg 14:8; Mat 1:18). The term is figuratively employed of the spiritual connection between God and his people (Hos 2:19, Hos 2:20).

Beulah Married, is used in Isa 62:4 metaphorically as the name of Judea: "Thy land shall be married," i.e., favoured and blessed of the Lord.

Bewray To reveal or disclose; an old English word equivalent to "betray" (Pro 27:16; Pro 29:24, R.V., "uttereth;" Isa 16:3; Mat 26:73).

Beyond When used with reference to Jordan, signifies in the writings of Moses the west side of the river, as he wrote on the east bank (Gen 50:10, Gen 50:11; Deu 1:1, Deu 1:5; Deu 3:8, Deu 3:20; Deu 4:46); but in the writings of Joshua, after he had crossed the river, it means the east side (Jos 5:1; Jos 12:7; Jos 22:7).

Bezaleel In the shadow of God; i.e., "under his protection", the artificer who executed the work of art in connection with the tabernacle in the wilderness (Exo 31:2; Exo 35:30). He was engaged principally in works of metal, wood, and stone; while Aholiab, who was associated with him and subordinate to him, had the charge of the textile fabrics (Exo 36:1, Exo 36:2; Exo 38:22). He was of the tribe of Judah, the son of Uri, and grandson of Hur (Exo 31:2). Mention is made in Ezr 10:30 of another of the same name.