Besor Cold, a ravine or brook in the extreme south-west of Judah, where 200 of David's men stayed behind because they were faint, while the other 400 pursued the Amalekites (Sa1 30:9, Sa1 30:10, Sa1 30:21). Probably the Wady Sheriah, south of Gaza.

Bestead The rendering in Isa 8:21, where alone it occurs, of a Hebrew word meaning to oppress, or be in circumstances of hardship.

Betah Confidence, a city belonging to Hadadezer, king of Zobah, which yielded much spoil of brass to David (Sa2 8:8). In Ch1 18:8 it is called Tibhath.

Beth Occurs frequently as the appellation for a house, or dwelling-place, in such compounds as the words immediately following: Bethabara - house of the ford Beth-anath - house of response Beth-anoth - house of answers Bethany - house of dates Beth-arabah - house of the desert Beth-aram - house of the height Beth-arbel - house of God's court Beth-aven - house of nothingness Beth-barah - house of crossing Beth-car - sheep house Beth-dagon - house of Dagon Beth-diblathaim - house of two cakes of figs Bethel - house of God Bethesda - house of mercy Beth-gamul - camel house Beth-gilgal - house of Gilgal Beth-haccerem - house of a vineyard Beth-horon - house of the hollow, or of the cavern Beth-jeshimoth - house of wastes, or deserts Bethlehem - house of bread Beth-le-Aphrah - house of dust Beth-peor - house of Peor Beth-phage - house of the unripe fig Bethsaida - house of fish Beth-shean - house of security or rest Beth-shemesh - house of the sun Beth-tappuah - house of apples Bethuel - man of God, or virgin of God, or house of God Bethzur - house of rock

Bethabara House of the ford, a place on the east bank of the Jordan, where John was baptizing (Joh 1:28). It may be identical with Bethbarah, the ancient ford of Jordan of which the men of Ephraim took possession (Jdg 7:24). The Revised Version reads "Bethany beyond Jordan." It was the great ford, and still bears the name of "the ford," Makhadhet 'Abarah , "the ford of crossing over," about 25 miles from Nazareth. (See BETH-BARAH.)

Beth-anath House of response, one of the fenced cities of Naphtali (Jos 19:38). It is perhaps identical with the modern village 'Ainata , 6 miles west of Kedesh.

Beth-anoth House of answers, a city in the mountainous district of Judah (Jos 15:59). It has been identified with the modern Beit-'Anun , about 3 miles northeast of Hebron.

Bethany House of dates. (1.) The Revised Version in Joh 1:28 has this word instead of Bethabara, on the authority of the oldest manuscripts. It appears to have been the name of a place on the east of Jordan. (2.) A village on the south-eastern slope of the Mount of Olives (Mar 11:1), about 2 miles east of Jerusalem, on the road to Jericho. It derived its name from the number of palm-trees which grew there. It was the residence of Lazarus and his sisters. It is frequently mentioned in connection with memorable incidents in the life of our Lord (Mat 21:17; Mat 26:6; Mar 11:11, Mar 11:12; Mar 14:3; Luk 24:50; Joh 11:1; Joh 12:1). It is now known by the name of el-Azariyeh, i.e., "place of Lazarus," or simply Lazariyeh. Seen from a distance, the village has been described as "remarkably beautiful, the perfection of retirement and repose, of seclusion and lovely peace." Now a mean village, containing about twenty families.

Beth-arabah House of the desert, one of the six cities of Judah, situated in the sunk valley of the Jordan and Dead Sea (Jos 18:22). In Jos 15:61 it is said to have been "in the wilderness." It was afterwards included in the towns of Benjamin. It is called Arabah (Jos 18:18).

Beth-aram House of the height; i.e., "mountain-house", one of the towns of Gad, 3 miles east of Jordan, opposite Jericho (Jos 13:27). Probably the same as Beth-haran in Num 32:36. It was called by king Herod, Julias, or Livias, after Livia, the wife of Augustus. It is now called Beit-haran.