Beeves (An old English plural of the word beef), a name applicable to all ruminating animals except camels, and especially to the Bovidce, or horned cattle (Lev 22:19, Lev 22:21; Num 31:28, Num 31:30, Num 31:33, Num 31:38, Num 31:44).

Beg That the poor existed among the Hebrews we have abundant evidence (Exo 23:11; Deu 15:11), but there is no mention of beggars properly so called in the Old Testament. The poor were provided for by the law of Moses (Lev 19:10; Deu 12:12; Deu 14:29). It is predicted of the seed of the wicked that they shall be beggars (Psa 37:25; Psa 109:10). In the New Testament we find not seldom mention made of beggars (Mar 10:46; Luk 16:20, Luk 16:21; Act 3:2), yet there is no mention of such a class as vagrant beggars, so numerous in the East. "Beggarly," in Gal 4:9, means worthless.

Behead A method of taking away life practiced among the Egyptians (Gen 40:17). There are instances of this mode of punishment also among the Hebrews (Sa2 4:8; Sa2 20:21, Sa2 20:22; Kg2 10:6). It is also mentioned in the New Testament (Mat 14:8; Act 12:2).

Behemoth (Job 40:15). Some have supposed this to be an Egyptian word meaning a "water-ox." The Revised Version has here in the margin "hippopotamus," which is probably the correct rendering of the word. The word occurs frequently in Scripture, but, except here, always as a common name, and translated "beast" or "cattle."

Bekah Both the name and its explanation, "a half shekel," are given in Exo 38:26. The word properly means a "division," a "part." (R.V., "beka.")

Bel The Aramaic form of Baal, the national god of the Babylonians (Isa 46:1; Jer 50:2; Jer 51:44). It signifies "lord." (See BAAL.)

Bela A thing swallowed. (1.) A city on the shore of the Dead Sea, not far from Sodom, called also Zoar. It was the only one of the five cities that was spared at Lot's intercession (Gen 19:20, Gen 19:23). It is first mentioned in Gen 14:2, Gen 14:8. (2.) The eldest son of Benjamin (Num 26:38; "Belah," Gen 46:21). (3.) The son of Beor, and a king of Edom (Gen 36:32, Gen 36:33; Ch1 1:43) (4.) A son of Azaz (Ch1 5:8).

Belial Worthlessness, frequently used in the Old Testament as a proper name. It is first used in Deu 13:13. In the New Testament it is found only in Co2 6:15, where it is used as a name of Satan, the personification of all that is evil. It is translated "wicked" in Deu 15:9; Psa 41:8 (R.V. marg.); Psa 101:3; Pro 6:12, etc. The expression "son" or "man of Belial" means simply a worthless, lawless person (Jdg 19:22; Jdg 20:13; Sa1 1:16; Sa1 2:12).

Bell The bells first mentioned in Scripture are the small golden bells attached to the hem of the high priest's ephod (Exo 28:33, Exo 28:34, Exo 28:35). The "bells of the horses" mentioned by Zechariah (Zac 14:20) were attached to the bridles or belts round the necks of horses trained for war, so as to accustom them to noise and tumult.

Bellows Occurs only in Jer 6:29, in relation to the casting of metal. Probably they consisted of leather bags similar to those common in Egypt.