Bartimaeus Son of Timaeus, one of the two blind beggars of Jericho (Mar 10:46; Mat 20:30). His blindness was miraculously cured on the ground of his faith.

Baruch Blessed. (1.) The secretary of the prophet Jeremiah (Jer 32:12; Jer 36:4). He was of the tribe of Judah (Jer 51:59). To him Jeremiah dictated his prophecies regarding the invasion of the Babylonians and the Captivity. These he read to the people from a window in the temple in the fourth year of the reign of Jehoiakim, king of Judah (Jer. 36). He afterwards read them before the counsellors of the king at a private interview; and then to the king himself, who, after hearing a part of the roll, cut it with a penknife, and threw it into the fire of his winter parlour, where he was sitting. During the siege of Jerusalem by Nebuchadnezzar, he was the keeper of the deed of purchase Jeremiah had made of the territory of Hanameel (Jer 32:12). Being accused by his enemies of favouring the Chaldeans, he was cast, with Jeremiah, into prison, where he remained till the capture of Jerusalem (586 B.C.). He probably died in Babylon. (2.) Neh 3:20; Neh 10:6; Neh 11:5.

Barzillai Of iron. (1.) A Meholathite, the father of Adriel (Sa2 21:8). (2.) A Gileadite of Rogelim who was distinguished for his loyalty to David. He liberally provided for the king's followers (Sa2 17:27). David on his death-bed, remembering his kindness, commended Barzillai's children to the care of Solomon (Kg1 2:7). (3.) A priest who married a daughter of the preceding (Ezr 2:61).

Bashan Light soil, first mentioned in Gen 14:5, where it is said that Chedorlaomer and his confederates "smote the Rephaim in Ashteroth," where Og the king of Bashan had his residence. At the time of Israel's entrance into the Promised Land, Og came out against them, but was utterly routed (Num 21:33; Deu 3:1). This country extended from Gilead in the south to Hermon in the north, and from the Jordan on the west to Salcah on the east. Along with the half of Gilead it was given to the half-tribe of Manasseh (Jos 13:29). Golan, one of its cities, became a "city of refuge" (Jos 21:27). Argob, in Bashan, was one of Solomon's commissariat districts (Kg1 4:13). The cities of Bashan were taken by Hazael (Kg2 10:33), but were soon after reconquered by Jehoash (Kg2 13:25), who overcame the Syrians in three battles, according to the word of Elisha (Kg2 13:19). From this time Bashan almost disappears from history, although we read of the wild cattle of its rich pastures (Eze 39:18; Psa 22:12), the oaks of its forests (Isa 2:13; Eze 27:6; Zac 11:2), and the beauty of its extensive plains (Amo 4:1; Jer 50:19). Soon after the conquest, the name "Gilead" was given to the whole country beyond Jordan. After the Exile, Bashan was divided into four districts, (1.) Gaulonitis, or Jaulan, the most western; (2.) Auranitis, the Hauran (Eze 47:16); (3.) Argob or Trachonitis, now the Lejah; and (4.) Batanaea, now Ard-el-Bathanyeh, on the east of the Lejah, with many deserted towns almost as perfect as when they were inhabited. (See HAURAN.)

Bashan, Hill of (Psa 68:15), probably another name for Hermon, which lies to the north of Bashan.

Bashan-havoth-jair The Bashan of the villages of Jair, the general name given to Argob by Jair, the son of Manasseh (Deu 3:14), containing sixty cities with walls and brazen gates (Jos 13:30; Kg1 4:13). (See ARGOB.)

Bashemath Sweet-smelling. (1.) The daughter of Ishmael, the last of Esau's three wives (Gen 36:3, Gen 36:4, Gen 36:13), from whose son Reuel four tribes of the Edomites sprung. She is also called Mahalath (Gen 28:9). It is noticeable that Esau's three wives receive different names in the genealogical table of the Edomites (Gen. 36) from those given to them in the history (Gen 26:34; Gen 28:9). (2.) A daughter of Solomon, and wife of Ahimaaz, one of his officers (Kg1 4:15).

Basilisk (in R.V., Isa 11:8; Isa 14:29; Isa 59:5; Jer 8:17), the "king serpent," as the name imports; a fabulous serpent said to be three spans long, with a spot on its head like a crown. Probably the yellow snake is intended. (See COCKATRICE.)

Basin Or Bason (1.) A trough or laver (Heb. aggan' ) for washing (Exo 24:6); rendered also "goblet" (Sol 7:2) and "cups" (Isa 22:24). (2.) A covered dish or urn (Heb. kefor ) among the vessels of the temple (Ch1 28:17; Ezr 1:10; Ezr 8:27). (3.) A vase (Heb. mizrak ) from which to sprinkle anything. A metallic vessel; sometimes rendered "bowl" (Amo 6:6; Zac 9:15). The vessels of the tabernacle were of brass (Exo 27:3), while those of the temple were of gold (Ch2 4:8). (4.) A utensil (Heb. saph ) for holding the blood of the victims (Exo 12:22); also a basin for domestic purposes (Sa2 17:28). The various vessels spoken of by the names "basin, bowl, charger, cup, and dish," cannot now be accurately distinguished. The basin in which our Lord washed the disciples' feet (Joh 13:5) must have been larger and deeper than the hand-basin.

Basket There are five different Hebrew words so rendered in the Authorized Version: (1.) A basket (Heb. sal , a twig or osier) for holding bread (Gen 40:16; Exo 29:3, Exo 29:23; Lev 8:2, Lev 8:26, Lev 8:31; Num 6:15, Num 6:17, Num 6:19). Sometimes baskets were made of twigs peeled; their manufacture was a recognized trade among the Hebrews. (2.) That used (Heb. salsilloth' ) in gathering grapes (Jer 6:9). (3.) That in which the first fruits of the harvest were presented, Heb. tene , (Deu 26:2, Deu 26:4). It was also used for household purposes. In form it tapered downwards like that called corbis by the Romans. (4.) A basket (Heb. kelub ) having a lid, resembling a bird-cage. It was made of leaves or rushes. The name is also applied to fruit-baskets (Amo 8:1, Amo 8:2). (5.) A basket (Heb. dud ) for carrying figs (Jer 24:2), also clay to the brick-yard (R.V., Psa 81:6), and bulky articles (Kg2 10:7). This word is also rendered in the Authorized Version "kettle" (Sa1 2:14), "caldron" (Ch2 35:13), "seething-pot" (Job 41:20). In the New Testament mention is made of the basket (Gr. kophinos , small "wicker-basket") for the "fragments" in the miracle recorded Mar 6:43, and in that recorded Mat 15:37 (Gr. spuris , large "rope-basket"); also of the basket in which Paul escaped (Act 9:25, Gr. spuris ; Co2 11:33, Gr. sargane , "basket of plaited cords").