Baptism for the Dead Only mentioned in Co1 15:29. This expression as used by the apostle may be equivalent to saying, "He who goes through a baptism of blood in order to join a glorified church which has no existence [i.e., if the dead rise not] is a fool." Some also regard the statement here as an allusion to the strange practice which began, it is said, to prevail at Corinth, in which a person was baptized in the stead of others who had died before being baptized, to whom it was hoped some of the benefits of that rite would be extended. This they think may have been one of the erroneous customs which Paul went to Corinth to "set in order."

Bar Used to denote the means by which a door is bolted (Neh 3:3); a rock in the sea (Jon 2:6); the shore of the sea (Job 38:10); strong fortifications and powerful impediments, etc. (Isa 45:2; Amo 1:5); defenses of a city (Kg1 4:13). A bar for a door was of iron (Isa 45:2), brass (Psa 107:16), or wood (Nah 3:13).

Barabbas I.e., son of Abba or of a father, a notorious robber whom Pilate proposed to condemn to death instead of Jesus, whom he wished to release, in accordance with the Roman custom (Joh 18:40; Mar 15:7; Luk 23:19). But the Jews were so bent on the death of Jesus that they demanded that Barabbas should be pardoned (Mat 27:16; Act 3:14). This Pilate did.

Barachel Whom God has blessed, a Buzite, the father of Elihu, one of Job's friends (Job 32:2, Job 32:6).

Barachias Berechiah, (4.) (q.v.), whom Jehovah hath blessed, father of the prophet Zechariah (Zac 1:1, Zac 1:7; Mat 23:35).

Barak Lightning, the son of Abinoam (Jdg 4:6). At the summons of Deborah he made war against Jabin. She accompanied him into the battle, and gave the signal for the little army to make the attack; in which the host of Jabin was completely routed. The battle was fought (Jdg 4:16) in the plain of Jezreel (q.v.) This deliverance of Israel is commemorated in Judg. 5. Barak's faith is commended (Heb 11:32). "The character of Barak, though pious, does not seem to have been heroic. Like Gideon, and in a sense Samson, he is an illustration of the words in Heb 11:34, 'Out of weakness were made strong.'" (See Deborah.)

Barbarian A Greek word used in the New Testament (Rom 1:14) to denote one of another nation. In Col 3:11, the word more definitely designates those nations of the Roman empire that did not speak Greek. In Co1 14:11, it simply refers to one speaking a different language. The inhabitants of Malta are so called (Act 28:1, Act 28:2, Act 28:4). They were originally a Carthaginian colony. This word nowhere in Scripture bears the meaning it does in modern times.

Barber Found only once, in Eze 5:1, where reference is made to the Jewish custom of shaving the head as a sign of mourning. The Nazarites were untouched by the razor from their birth (Num 6:5). Compare Jdg 16:19.

Barefoot To go barefoot was a sign of great distress (Isa 20:2, Isa 20:3, Isa 20:4), or of some great calamity having fallen on a person (Sa2 15:30).

Bariah Fugitive, one of Shemaiah's five sons. Their father is counted along with them in Ch1 3:22.