Antichrist Against Christ, or an opposition Christ, a rival Christ. The word is used only by the apostle John. Referring to false teachers, he says (Jo1 2:18, Jo1 2:22; Jo1 4:3; Jo2 1:7), "Even now are there many antichrists." (1.) This name has been applied to the "little horn" of the "king of fierce countenance" (Dan 7:24, Dan 7:25; Dan 8:23). (2.) It has been applied also to the "false Christs" spoken of by our Lord (Mat 24:5, Mat 24:23, Mat 24:24). (3.) To the "man of sin" described by Paul (Th2 2:3, Th2 2:4, Th2 2:8). (4.) And to the "beast from the sea" (Rev 13:1; 17:1-18).

Antioch (1.) In Syria, on the river Orontes, about 16 miles from the Mediterranean, and some 300 miles north of Jerusalem. It was the metropolis of Syria, and afterwards became the capital of the Roman province in Asia. It ranked third, after Rome and Alexandria, in point of importance, of the cities of the Roman empire. It was called the "first city of the East." Christianity was early introduced into it (Act 11:19, Act 11:21, Act 11:24), and the name "Christian" was first applied here to its professors (Act 11:26). It is intimately connected with the early history of the gospel (Act 6:5; Act 11:19, Act 11:27, Act 11:28, Act 11:30; Act 12:25; Act 15:22; Gal 2:11, Gal 2:12). It was the great central point whence missionaries to the Gentiles were sent forth. It was the birth-place of the famous Christian father Chrysostom, who died A.D. 407. It bears the modern name of Antakia, and is now a miserable, decaying Turkish town. Like Philippi, it was raised to the rank of a Roman colony. Such colonies were ruled by "praetors" (R.V. marg., Act 16:20, Act 16:21). (2.) In the extreme north of Pisidia; was visited by Paul and Barnabas on the first missionary journey (Act 13:14). Here they found a synagogue and many proselytes. They met with great success in preaching the gospel, but the Jews stirred up a violent opposition against them, and they were obliged to leave the place. On his return, Paul again visited Antioch for the purpose of confirming the disciples (Act 14:21). It has been identified with the modern Yalobatch, lying to the east of Ephesus. See map, Showing Position of Syrian Antioch

Antiochus The name of several Syrian kings from 280 to 65 B.C.. The most notable of these were (1.) Antiochus the Great, who ascended the throne 223 B.C.. He is regarded as the "king of the north" referred to in Dan 11:13. He was succeeded (187 B.C.) by his son, Seleucus Philopater, spoken of by Daniel (Dan 11:20) as "a raiser of taxes", in the Revised Version, "one that shall cause an exactor to pass through the glory of the kingdom." (2.) Antiochus IV., surnamed "Epiphanes" i.e., the Illustrious, succeeded his brother Seleucus (175 B.C.). His career and character are prophetically described by Daniel (Dan 11:21). He was a "vile person." In a spirit of revenge he organized an expedition against Jerusalem, which he destroyed, putting vast multitudes of its inhabitants to death in the most cruel manner. From this time the Jews began the great war of independence under their heroic Maccabean leaders with marked success, defeating the armies of Antiochus that were sent against them. Enraged at this, Antiochus marched against them in person, threatening utterly to exterminate the nation; but on the way he was suddenly arrested by the hand of death (164 B.C.).

Antipas (1.)Herod Antipas, a son of Herod the Great by his Samaritan wife Malthace. He was tetrarch of Galilee and Peraea during the whole period of our Lord's life on earth (Luk 23:7). He was a frivolous and vain prince, and was chargeable with many infamous crimes (Mar 8:15; Luk 3:19; Luk 13:31, Luk 13:32). He beheaded John the Baptist (Mat 14:1) at the instigation of Herodias, the wife of his half-brother Herod-Philip, whom he had married. Pilate sent Christ to him when he was at Jerusalem at the Passover (Luk 23:7). He asked some idle questions of him, and after causing him to be mocked, sent him back again to Pilate. The wife of Chuza, his house-steward, was one of our Lord's disciples (Luk 8:3). (2.) A "faithful martyr" (Rev 2:13), of whom nothing more is certainly known.

Antipatris A city built by Herod the Great, and called by this name in honour of his father, Antipater. It lay between Caesarea and Lydda, two miles inland, on the great Roman road from Caesarea to Jerusalem. To this place Paul was brought by night (Act 23:31) on his way to Caesarea, from which it was distant 28 miles. It is identified with the modern, Ras-el-'Ain where rise the springs of Aujeh, the largest springs in Palestine.

Antonia A fortress in Jerusalem, at the north-west corner of the temple area. It is called "the castle" (Act 21:34, Act 21:37). See map, Showing position of Antonia From the stairs of this castle Paul delivered his famous speech to the multitude in the area below (Acts 22:1-21). It was originally a place in which were kept the vestments of the high priest. Herod fortified it, and called it Antonia in honour of his friend Mark Antony. It was of great size, and commanded the temple. It was built on a plateau of rock, separated on the north from the hill Bezetha by a ditch about 30 feet deep and 165 feet wide.

Antothite An inhabitant of Anathoth, found only in Ch1 11:28; Ch1 12:3. In Sa2 23:27 it is Anethothite; in Ch1 27:12, Anetothite. (R.V., "Anathothite.")

Anvil The rendering of the Hebrew word for "beaten," found only in Isa 41:7.

Ape An animal of the monkey tribe (Kg1 10:22; Ch2 9:21). It was brought from India by the fleets of Solomon and Hiram, and was called by the Hebrews - , and by the Greeks - , both words being just the Indian Tamil name of the monkey, kapi, i.e., swift, nimble, active. No species of ape has ever been found in Palestine or the adjacent regions.

Apelles A Christian at Rome whom Paul salutes (Rom 16:10), and styles "approved in Christ."