Amplias A Roman Christian saluted by Paul (Rom 16:8).

Amram Kindred of the High; i.e., "friend of Jehovah." (1.) The son of Kohath, the son of Levi. He married Jochebed, "his father's sister," and was the father of Aaron, Miriam, and Moses (Exo 6:18, Exo 6:20; Num 3:19). He died in Egypt at the age of 137 years (Exo 6:20). His descendants were called Amramites (Num 3:27; Ch1 26:23). (2.) Ezr 10:34.

Amraphel King of Shinar, southern Chaldea, one of the confederates of Chedorlaomer, king of Elam, in a war against Sodom and cities of the plain (Gen 14:1, Gen 14:4). It is now found that Amraphel (or Ammirapaltu) is the Khammu-rabi whose name appears on recently-discovered monuments. (See CHEDORLAOMER.) After defeating Arioch (q.v.) he united Babylonia under one rule, and made Babylon his capital

Anab Grape-town, one of the cities in the mountains of Judah, from which Joshua expelled the Anakim (Jos 11:21; Jos 15:50). It still retains its ancient name. It lies among the hills, 10 miles south-south-west of Hebron.

Anah Speech. (1.) One of the sons of Seir, and head of an Idumean tribe, called a Horite, as in course of time all the branches of this tribe were called from their dwelling in caves in Mount Seir (Gen 36:20, Gen 36:29; Ch1 1:38). (2.) One of the two sons of Zibeon the Horite, and father of Esau's wife Aholibamah (Gen 36:18, Gen 36:24).

Anak Long-necked, the son of Arba, father of the Anakim (Jos 15:13; Jos 21:11, Heb. Anok ).

Anakim The descendants of Anak (Jos 11:21; Num 13:33; Deu 9:2). They dwelt in the south of Palestine, in the neighbourhood of Hebron (Gen 23:2; Jos 15:13). In the days of Abraham (Gen 14:5, Gen 14:6) they inhabited the region afterwards known as Edom and Moab, east of the Jordan. They were probably a remnant of the original inhabitants of Palestine before the Canaanites, a Cushite tribe from Babel, and of the same race as the Phoenicians and the Egyptian shepherd kings. Their formidable warlike appearance, as described by the spies sent to search the land, filled the Israelites with terror. They seem to have identified them with the Nephilim, the "giants" (Gen 6:4; Num 13:33) of the antediluvian age. There were various tribes of Anakim (Jos 15:14). Joshua finally expelled them from the land, except a remnant that found a refuge in the cities of Gaza, Gath, and Ashdod (Jos 11:22). The Philistine giants whom David encountered (Sa2 21:15) were descendants of the Anakim. (See GIANTS.)

Anamim The name of an Egyptian tribe descended from Mizraim (Gen 10:13; Ch1 1:11).

Anammelech One of the gods worshipped by the people of Sepharvaim, who colonized Samaria (Kg2 17:31). The name means "Anu is king." It was a female deity representing the moon, as Adrammelech (q.v.) was the male representing the sun.

Anan Cloud, one of the Israelites who sealed the covenant after the return from Babylon (Neh 10:26).