Ahithophel Brother of insipidity or impiety, a man greatly renowned for his sagacity among the Jews. At the time of Absalom's revolt he deserted David (Psa 41:9; Psa 55:12) and espoused the cause of Absalom (Sa2 15:12). David sent his old friend Hushai back to Absalom, in order that he might counteract the counsel of Ahithophel (Sa2 15:31). This end was so far gained that Ahithophel saw he had no longer any influence, and accordingly he at once left the camp of Absalom and returned to Giloh, his native place where, after arranging his worldly affairs, he hanged himself, and was buried in the sepulchre of his fathers (2 Sam. 17:1-23). He was the type of Judas (Psa 41:9).

Ahitub Brother of goodness = good. (1.) The son of Phinehas. On the death of his grandfather Eli he succeeded to the office of high priest, and was himself succeeded by his son Ahijah (Sa1 14:3; Sa1 22:9, Sa1 22:11, Sa1 22:12, Sa1 22:20). (2.) The father of Zadok, who was made high priest by Saul after the extermination of the family of Ahimelech (Ch1 6:7, Ch1 6:8; Sa2 8:17).

Ahlab Fatness, a town of Asher lying within the unconquered Phoenician border (Jdg 1:31), north-west of the Sea of Galilee; commonly identified with Giscala, now el-Jish.

Ahoah Brotherly, one of the sons of Bela, the son of Benjamin (Ch1 8:4). He is also called Ahiah (Ch1 8:7) and Iri (Ch1 7:7). His descendants were called Ahohites (Sa2 23:9, Sa2 23:28).

Ahohite An epithet applied to Dodo, one of Solomon's captains (Ch1 27:4); to his son Eleazar, one of David's three mightiest heroes (Sa2 23:9; Ch1 11:12); and to Zalmon, one of the thirty (Sa2 23:28; Ch1 11:29), from their descent from Ahoah.

Aholah She has her own tent, a name used by Ezekiel (Eze 23:4, Eze 23:5, Eze 23:36, Eze 23:44) as a symbol of the idolatry of the kingdom of Israel. This kingdom is described as a lewd woman, an adulteress, given up to the abominations and idolatries of the Egyptians and Assyrians. Because of her crimes, she was carried away captive, and ceased to be a kingdom. (Compare Psa 78:67; Kg1 12:25; Ch2 11:13.)

Aholiab Tent of the father, an artist of the tribe of Dan, appointed to the work of preparing materials for the tabernacle (Exo 31:6; Exo 35:34; Exo 36:1, Exo 36:2; Exo 38:23).

Aholibah My tent is in her, the name of an imaginary harlot, applied symbolically to Jerusalem, because she had abandoned the worship of the true God and given herself up to the idolatries of foreign nations. (Eze 23:4, Eze 23:11, Eze 23:22, Eze 23:36, Eze 23:44).

Aholibamah Tent of the height, the name given to Judith, the daughter of Beeri = Anah (Gen 26:34; Gen 36:2), when she became the wife of Esau. A district among the mountains of Edom, probably near Mount Hor, was called after her name, or it may be that she received her name from the district. From her descended three tribes of Edomites, founded by her three sons.

Ai Ruins. (1.) One of the royal cities of the Canaanites (Jos 10:1; Gen 12:8; Gen 13:3). It was the scene of Joshua's defeat, and afterwards of his victory. It was the second Canaanite city taken by Israel (Jos 7:2; 8:1-29). It lay rebuilt and inhibited by the Benjamites (Ezr 2:28; Neh 7:32; Neh 11:31). It lay to the east of Bethel, "beside Beth-aven." The spot which is most probably the site of this ancient city is Haiyan, 2 miles east from Bethel. It lay up the Wady Suweinit, a steep, rugged valley, extending from the Jordan valley to Bethel. (2.)A city in the Ammonite territory (Jer 49:3). Some have thought that the proper reading of the word is Ar (Isa 15:1).