Abel-shittim Meadow of the acacias, frequently called simply "Shittim" (Num 25:1; Jos 2:1; Mic 6:5), a place on the east of Jordan, in the plain of Moab, nearly opposite Jericho. It was the forty-second encampment of the Israelites, their last resting-place before they crossed the Jordan (Num 33:49; Num 22:1; Num 26:3; Num 31:12; compare Num 25:1; Num 31:16).

Abez Tin, or white, a town in the tribe of Issachar (Jos 19:20), at the north of the plain of Esdraelon. It is probably identified with the ruins of el-Beida.

Abia My father is the Lord, the Greek form of Abijah, or Abijam (Mat 1:7), instead of Abiah (Ch1 7:8). In Luk 1:5, the name refers to the head of the eighth of the twenty-four courses into which David divided the priests (Ch1 24:10).

Abi-albon Father of strength; i.e., "valiant", one of David's body-guard of thirty mighty men (Sa2 23:31); called also Abiel (Ch1 11:32).

Abiasaph Father of gathering; the gatherer, the youngest of the three sons of Korah the Levite, head of a family of Korhites (Exo 6:24); called Ebisaph (Ch1 6:37).

Abiathar Father of abundance, or my father excels, the son of Ahimelech the high priest. He was the tenth high priest, and the fourth in descent from Eli. When his father was slain with the priests of Nob, he escaped, and bearing with him the ephod, he joined David, who was then in the cave of Adullam (Sa1 22:20; Sa1 23:6). He remained with David, and became priest of the party of which he was the leader (Sa1 30:7). When David ascended the throne of Judah, Abiathar was appointed high priest (Ch1 15:11; Kg1 2:26) and the "king's companion" (Ch1 27:34). Meanwhile Zadok, of the house of Eleazar, had been made high priest. These appointments continued in force till the end of David's reign (Kg1 4:4). Abiathar was deposed (the sole historical instance of the deposition of a high priest) and banished to his home at Anathoth by Solomon, because he took part in the attempt to raise Adonijah to the throne. The priesthood thus passed from the house of Ithamar (Sa1 2:30; Kg1 1:19; Kg1 2:26, Kg1 2:27). Zadok now became sole high priest. In Mar 2:26, reference is made to an occurrence in "the days of Abiathar the high priest." But from 1 Sam. 22, we learn explicitly that this event took place when Ahimelech, the father of Abiathar, was high priest. The apparent discrepancy is satisfactorily explained by interpreting the words in Mark as referring to the life-time of Abiathar, and not to the term of his holding the office of high priest. It is not implied in Mark that he was actual high priest at the time referred to. Others, however, think that the loaves belonged to Abiathar, who was at that time (Lev 24:9) a priest, and that he either himself gave them to David, or persuaded his father to give them.

Abib An ear of corn, the month of newly-ripened grain (Exo 13:4; Exo 23:15); the first of the Jewish ecclesiastical year, and the seventh of the civil year. It began about the time of the vernal equinox, on 21st March. It was called Nisan, after the Captivity (Neh 2:1). On the fifteenth day of the month, harvest was begun by gathering a sheaf of barley, which was offered unto the Lord on the sixteenth (Lev 23:4).

Abida Or Abidah - Father of knowledge; knowing, one of the five sons of Midian, who was the son of Abraham by Keturah (Ch1 1:33), and apparently the chief of an Arab tribe.

Abidan Father of judgment; judge, head of the tribe of Benjamin at the Exodus (Num 1:11; Num 2:22).

Abiel Father (i.e., "possessor") of God = "pious." (1.) The son of Zeror and father of Ner, who was the grandfather of Saul (Sa1 14:51; Ch1 8:33; Ch1 9:39). In Sa1 9:1, he is called the "father," probably meaning the grandfather, of Kish. (2.) An Arbathite, one of David's warriors (Ch1 11:32); called also Abi-albon (Sa2 23:31).