Abdi My servant. (1.) Ch1 6:44. (2.) Ch2 29:12. (3.) Ezr 10:26.

Abdiel Servant of God, (Ch1 5:15), a Gadite chief.

Abdon Servile. (1.) The son of Hillel, a Pirathonite, the tenth judge of Israel (Jdg 12:13). He is probably the Bedan of Sa1 12:11. (2.) The first-born of Gibeon of the tribe of Benjamin (Ch1 8:30; Ch1 9:36). (3.) The son of Micah, one of those whom Josiah sent to the prophetess Huldah to ascertain from her the meaning of the recently discovered book of the law (Ch2 34:20). He is called Achbor in Kg2 22:12. (4.) One of the "sons" of Shashak (Ch1 8:23). This is the name also of a Levitical town of the Gershonites, in the tribe of Asher (Jos 21:30; Ch1 6:74). The ruins of Abdeh, some 8 miles north-east of Accho, probably mark its site.

Abednego Servant of Nego = Nebo, the Chaldee name given to Azariah, one of Daniel's three companions (Dan 2:49). With Shadrach and Meshach, he was delivered from the burning fiery furnace (Dan. 3:12-30).

Abel (1.) (HEBREW HEBHEL) A breath, or vanity. The second son of Adam and Eve. He was put to death by his brother Cain (Gen. 4:1-16). Guided by the instruction of their father, the two brothers were trained in the duty of worshipping God. "And in process of time" (marg. "at the end of days", i.e., on the Sabbath) each of them offered up to God of the firstfruits of his labours. Cain, as a husbandman, offered the fruits of the field; Abel, as a shepherd, of the firstlings of his flock. "The Lord had respect unto Abel and his offering; but unto Cain and his offering he had not respect" (Gen 4:3). On this account Cain was angry with his brother, and formed the design of putting him to death; a design which he at length found an opportunity of carrying into effect (Gen 4:8, Gen 4:9. Compare Jo1 3:12). There are several references to Abel in the New Testament. Our Saviour speaks of him as "righteous" (Mat 23:35). "The blood of sprinkling" is said to speak "better things than that of Abel" (Heb 12:24); i.e., the blood of Jesus is the reality of which the blood of the offering made by Abel was only the type. The comparison here is between the sacrifice offered by Christ and that offered by Abel, and not between the blood of Christ calling for mercy and the blood of the murdered Abel calling for vengeance, as has sometimes been supposed. It is also said (Heb 11:4) that "Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain." This sacrifice was made "by faith;" this faith rested in God, not only as the Creator and the God of providence, but especially in God as the great Redeemer, whose sacrifice was typified by the sacrifices which, no doubt by the divine institution, were offered from the days of Adam downward. On account of that "faith" which looked forward to the great atoning sacrifice, Abel's offering was accepted of God. Cain's offering had no such reference, and therefore was rejected. Abel was the first martyr, as he was the first of our race to die. (2.) (Heb. 'abhel ), lamentation (Sa1 6:18), the name given to the great stone in Joshua's field whereon the ark was "set down." The Revised Version, however, following the Targum and the LXX., reads in the Hebrew text 'ebhen (= a stone), and accordingly translates "unto the great stone, whereon they set down the ark." This reading is to be preferred. (3.) (Hebrew 'abhel ) A grassy place, a meadow. This word enters into the composition of the following words: (a.) Abel-beth-maachah - Meadow of the house of Maachah, a city in the north of Palestine, in the neighbourhood of Dan and Ijon, in the tribe of Naphtali. It was a place of considerable strength and importance. It is called a "mother in Israel", i.e., a metropolis (Sa2 20:19). It was besieged by Joab (Sa2 20:14), by Benhadad (Kg1 15:20), and by Tiglath-pileser (Kg2 15:29) about 734 B.C.. (b.) It is elsewhere called Abel-maim meadow of the waters, (Ch2 16:4). Its site is occupied by the modern Abil or Abil-el-kamh, on a rising ground to the east of the brook Derdarah, which flows through the plain of Huleh into the Jordan, about 6 miles to the west-north-west of Dan.

Abel-beth-maachah Meadow of the house of Maachah, a city in the north of Palestine, in the neighbourhood of Dan and Ijon, in the tribe of Naphtali. It was a place of considerable strength and importance. It is called a "mother in Israel", i.e., a metropolis (Sa2 20:19). It was besieged by Joab (Sa2 20:14), by Benhadad (Kg1 15:20), and by Tiglath-pileser (Kg2 15:29) about 734 B.C..

Abel-maim Meadow of the waters, (Ch2 16:4). Its site is occupied by the modern Abil or Abil-el-kamh, on a rising ground to the east of the brook Derdarah, which flows through the plain of Huleh into the Jordan, about 6 miles to the west-north-west of Dan

Abel-cheramim (Jdg 11:33, R.V.; A. V., "plain of the vineyards"), a village of the Ammonites, whither Jephthah pursued their forces.

Abel-meholah Meadow of dancing, or the dancing-meadow, the birth-place and residence of the prophet Elisha, not far from Beth-shean (Kg1 4:12), in the tribe of Issachar, near where the Wady el-Maleh emerges into the valley of the Jordan, "the rich meadow-land which extends about 4 miles south of Beth-shean; moist and luxuriant." Here Elisha was found at his plough by Elijah on his return up the Jordan valley from Horeb (Kg1 19:16). It is now called 'Ain Helweh .

Abel-mizraim Meadow of Egypt, or mourning of Egypt, a place "beyond," i.e., on the west of Jordan, at the "threshing-floor of Atad." Here the Egyptians mourned seventy days for Jacob (Gen 50:4). Its site is unknown.